Arming schools with non lethal force

Ever since school shootings took a rise in our communities, I and many others have wondered what exactly could be done to protect our children from these horrible events. The simple answer was to arm the teachers. However, even though there were many teachers who were willing to open carry in school, there were many more who declined the idea of ever carrying a firearm because of the moral dilemma to take another humans life. While I agree that a teacher should have the right to choose between carrying a firearm or not, I strongly believe that it should be written into law that all classrooms must have some form of firearm(s) that use non lethal rounds such as rubber bullets or bean bags. These firearms would be kept safely away from kids in some kind of easy to break glass container that would be hung on the wall to stay out of children’s reach. Along side this I think it would be important for a volunteer program to be instituted with local law enforcement agencies to allow military veterans to volunteer their time to help guard and patrol local schools to provide an authoritative presence on school grounds when necessary. This could be a great deterrent for anyone trying to actively cause harm to students at school and would make current students think twice before attempting to enter school grounds with lethal intent towards their fellow students.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! I agree 100% and this needs to be done asap! I know for a fact our veterans will love to volunteer their time into protecting schools and children in any way shape or form that they can.