Any illegal immigrant are banned from ever becoming a full legal American citizen

Why should you be awarded with something that you tried to take illegally. Anyone who illegally crosses our borders and becomes, and has already become a “undocumented person”, shall have any chance of becoming a legal citizen stripped from them.


I would temper that with, any illegal immigrant must wait 10 years before applying to re-enter the USA and goes to the back of the line for citizenship after that 10 year penalty has expired.

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I think we need to give those that have been here 10+ years and have been contributing members to society a chance to become legal first. Whether that’s a green card or legal residency- I don’t think we should hand out citizenship they still need to go through the process.

We need to call them what they really are. Invaders.


They came here ILLEGALY. They are there for not welcome and need to leave. If someone breaks into your house, do you let them stay?

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