Anti-Corruption Constitutional Amendment

The Anti-Corruption U.S. Constitutional Amendment

  1. Any law or policy, no matter public or private, that grants rights or privileges to a group or an individual at the expense of taking rights from another individual shall be made illegal, unlawful, and punishable under the law.

  2. Establishes an Anti-Corruption Agency (ACE) under the many states’ authority. Charged with administering the requirements of this amendment, with the power to charge federal politicians, both elected and unelected, with violations of this amendment. State Supreme Courts will rule, ACE has power to remove. The federal government has no authority or oversight

  3. Term limits for Congress - 2 terms Senate, 6 terms House or 12 years maximum. All raises must be brought to a vote by the elected officials’ constituents. No retirement whatsoever. No person shall serve in Senate and then serve in the House nor serve in the House then the Senate

  4. No dual citizens will serve in any elected or unelected federal positions including the President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. Proof posted to the public by law

  5. No one will serve in any elected positions unless they are natural born with two natural born parents - Birth certificates required to be posted to the public by law

  6. All elected officials, and their spouses and children, are prohibited from individual stock market investments during period of service

  7. All must past a criminal back ground check and financial check by ACE. Posted to the public by law

  8. All must pass a U.S. Constitution knowledge test and a mental acuity test with ACE, before permitted to run or serve. Must be posted to the public by law and passed with 90%

  9. Presidential candidates running for the office of President of the U.S. cannot be sued, charged or otherwise legally attacked until they lose their race or after term served

  10. No person who enters the country illegally is eligible to vote, run for federal elected office or hold any federal unelected position or any defense contractor job within the U.S. Government or indirectly for the U.S. Government

  11. Under no circumstances may the government ask, direct, bribe, control, penalize or otherwise coerce private business or industry within the nation to carry out the governments agenda unless said company is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.

  12. The federal government is restricted from declaring emergencies, or mandating actions for any health crises or pandemics. Federal government is also restricted from granting any money and is restricted to offering 100% paid back loans only to pharmaceutical and medical establishments. All pharmaceutical and medical corporations are eligible for lawsuits from the public. The federal government is restricted from directly funding the health community for individual cases of infection, for admissions into hospitals, for individual procedures, individual treatments, experimental vaccines, regardless of Emergency Use Authorizations or similar, or fund deaths resulting from infection. Federal government can only fund vaccine injuries, directly, to U.S. citizens. All health crises decisions, plans, and recommendations remain with the people, the health professionals and the states in that order

  13. The DOJ Attorney General shall be appointed by and responsible to the House. The House may dismiss them by straight vote for any reason.

  14. Perjury = immediate removal from office, elected or unelected. Charges brought by ACE only

  15. Voter identification, and citizenship required to vote in all states for national elections by paper ballot only.

  16. Gerrymandering along political lines is unconstitutional and shall be based on population of citizens per the U.S. Constitution, and will not include non-citizens

  17. Any federal official, elected or unelected, shall be removed immediately from office if charged by the House for the loss of funds.

  18. In the Congress and Senate, only one item per bill, per vote.

  19. All government employees may be fired and forbidden from unionizing

  20. Policies or programs, private or public, that favor color, race or creed are outlawed

  21. The federal government is restricted from issuing grants, subsidies or loans while a national debt exists that is greater than 10% of the nation’s GDP

  22. No government agency will investigate themselves. All federal investigations will be conducted independently by ACE, the states. State Supreme rule

  23. Any person running for political office shall take campaign money only from direct constituents. No foreign money is permitted

  24. No foreigners shall own property within the United States, whether country, corporation or individual

  25. Federal government cannot declare eminent domain over land that is under a disaster declaration

  26. Known socialists, communists, or national socialists, shall not be eligible for any elected or unelected government position


#26 SHOULD be amended to to say any position in government not just potus


Very much agree…I will update, Thank you!

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Excellent and comprehensive management ideas for potential avenues of corruption.

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Thank you!