An Itemized & Transparent Taxation system

Any Tax should spell out where the money is going to in more detail than what we see now and that money CANNOT be used for any other purpose other than the specific purpose of the tax.

Congress / IRS must publish an itemized statement and send to every taxpayer via mail or email a statement outlining where their money was spent, how much was spent and health of the fund. This must be done by March 15th.

State and Local governments must publish where and how income, sales and property tax have been spent. An itemized statement must be sent to every taxpayer via mail or email a statement outlining where their money was spent, how much was spent and health of the fund. This must be done by March 15th.

Make it illegal for Congress to pull funds from one program to another.

Federal, State and Local: Income Tax Capped to 20% total per Household for incomes up to 250,000. And 25% for over 250K

Please add suggestions.