Pass a Constitutional Amendment that gives the public two powers.
The public should be able to;
- Repeal any law with a referendum.
- Pass OR repeal a constitutional amendment with a referendum
This is the law in Switzerland today. It works extremely well there.
To repeal a law, we should follow the same way Congress votes. The majority of house of representatives districts vote to repeal it + a majority of majority of states must vote to repeal it.
For a constitutional amendment, the same way we do it now.
We would hold two rounds of voting, the first would be;
First 2/3 of of house of representatives districts & 2/3 of states must by majority vote yes.
Then instead of 75% of the state legislatures ratifying it. Each state (however it chooses it legislature members), would use each seats district to vote instead of the representative themselves.
We the people have no way of restricting the government without them agreeing.
We can then ban them from trading stocks. OURSELVES
We can impose term limits on congress. OURSELVES
We can outlaw gerrymandering. OURSELVES
We can demand single topic bills. OURSELVES
We can put in a line-item-veto for the president to strike individual things from the budget OURSELVES
We can force congress to pass a balanced budget OURSELVES
We should be able to directly hold them accountable for messing us over.