Title says all. (Or create an equivalent tax friendly account to the FSA but for pet expense). This will really incentivize people providing adequate healthcare for pets. Too many people can’t afford to bring their pets to the vet or pay for food.
No ones forcing them to have a pet. Maybe we should Stop encouraging irresponsible behavior. If they cant afford it, they shouldnt have it. If they do need it for legitimate health reasons and still cant afford it, they need to upskill so they can.
Does allowing FSA money that is used for human health expenses to be used also on pet health really hurt anybody? It’s a very odd thing to be so vehemently against.
1.pets are considered property by the government. 2 if you can use the money to pay for a property item, why couldn’t the next person ask for it to be used for car repairs, food, or utilities? These could be considered as important for a person’s health as a pet.
3. You can always open a credit union or bank account to pay for pet bills. No one is stopping you.