Natural,alternative or Organic treatments are often less invasive,more effective and cheaper than conventional treatments,president-elect Trump already signed the " Right to Try " into law for us with life threatening diseases to use any kind of treatment that could save our lives,now that he will be back in Office he could sign a new great Executive Law that I call the " Right to Treat " , allowing Insurance Companies to pay for those Natural,Alternative or Integrative Treatments
I agree
Yes!! The pharmaceutical company won’t allow any of those proven better healthier options because they can’t put a patent on it to make money from it. How pathetic! They care more about money than they do the lives of the American people.,
Please everyone stop trying to give the Insurance Industry control.
Stop dependence on Insurance.
Insurance is a for profit business. That means they need to make money. That is why they deny claims and make Doctors keep fighting to get them paid. That is why they cut people off from treatment. Stop giving them power. They invest the premiums collected into the stock market to make profit. The stakeholders are investors. They must meet the conditions set by the investors and market to make a certain profit. That means not paying healthcare bills to increase profit. It is a for profit business.
If you start putting supplements and herbs under insurance, you are giving away the decision making to insurance instead of providers. That’s not going to be helpful. The people making decisions at the insurance corporations are not as educated as Doctors but they tell the Doctors what they can and cannot do.
It will destroy the positive impact.
In addition, to the above comment, there is already a push to make supplements prescription only. Pharm will end up taking over the supplements.
Let’s not give away our independence and power to corporations.
I suggest considering the following instead so you can maintain your freedom to spend your money where you choose instead of giving your power to the Insurance Industry. The Insurance Industry will no doubt destroy any natural, alternative, organic treatment. They have already done this with some Alternative Care. They will deny the claims and limit what can be done making it ineffective.
Instead promote programs that give you freedom to spend where you want.