Allow email notifications/announcements for more engagement?

It’s clear that most people who joined the website, and initially cast a ton of votes, largely do not return. This makes it almost impossible for new proposals to gain traction. In addition, I find myself checking the website to see if anything changed.


  • If someone gets a new DM, like or vote, can we get a personal email notification to the user indicating that they have a new DM or comment?
  • Can we get a monthly personal email notification reminder if we have unread DM’s or comments?
  • Can you make a general announcement reminding people to come back to vote for more policies?
  • Can you also ask RFK to personally announce his support for this website and his commitment to reading the proposals?

Thank you.

You should be able to access some of those settings here: Policies for the People - A place for the people to propose and discuss government policy solutions.

I think a bigger problem may come from the inherent nature of the site itself and the concept behind it.

There are ultimately only so many policy proposals that can be suggested. The biggest ones have already been proposed already anyway. Most people aren’t going to have much input to give beyond voting for their favorites and giving a ‘like’.

While I like the concept of the site, the fundamental nature of it means that any real engagement has a comparatively limited ceiling.

A system like a General Assembly would allow for the forum to function as more than a message board.