Allow Citizens to Vote on Tax Dollars Being Sent to Fund Other Countries Wars

Allow Citizens to Vote on Tax Dollars Being Sent to Fund Other Countries Wars - This is a MAJOR problem at the moment. While assisting others in their time of need is important, it has become a money laundering scheme for our corrupt politicians. They are driving our country into complete financial ruin, and they are draining the pockets of the American people with absolutely no interest of returning the favor to the hard working American people (the recent hurricanes for example). There must come a time when our aid ends especially when it is being used for no good. *Maybe even voting for a specific $ amount than a “yes” or “no”.

~Feedback would be appreciated so I can edit the title and description! :slight_smile: ~


Exactly. I was just saying the same thing the other day how we didn’t vote for our tax dollars being sent everywhere but here at home. 750 to our hurricane victims in NC but other countries get billions? Definitely some kind of laundry scheme going on there. Help for our own first should be DC’s motto.


Yes!! We have been put last for far too long now and it’s time for everyone to put their foot down!

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I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. I feel a lot of American Citizens are unhappy with what their tax dollars are funding.
I am not an expert on the topic of taxes, but I was wondering if there is any way America could implement an ‘opt-out’ system. So if you don’t agree with something your tax dollars are funding, you can opt-out of paying that tax. Obviously there would be limits to this, such as a pre-determined list of things you can opt-out of, and a limit to how many things you can opt-out of.
For example, say a Catholic individual identifies as pro-life, and they are unhappy that some of their tax dollars are being used to fund planned parenthood. With this system, this individual has the opportunity to opt-out of funding something they don’t believe in.
This could also apply to how our tax dollars fund wars we aren’t even apart of.
Again, I am no expert on how taxes work, or even how a system like this would be implemented. So if someone with more expertise has thoughts of why this would work or why this would not work, please comment!

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I have been saying this for years! It should be up to THE PEOPLE to vote whether or not tax money is sent to other countries. The government should make an announcement that they want to send OUR money to other countries for ??? and the polls open at this time and close at this time. The decision is made after the votes are counted. For an example, look at and see how much of OUR money is going to other countries for Protection, Assistance and Solutions, Infrastructure, HIV/AIDS, and Agriculture etc. MILLIONS! But we have Americans being overtaxed, homeless because of disasters, veterans that are disowned, and seniors that are barely getting by. Take care of Americans first and then consider the other countries.

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