All modes of travel are a right. travel via liberty IAW supreme court rulings

Operating all modes of travel is a right. I.E. motorized vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, and so on.

Licensing requiring you to demonstrate the ability to excercise your right safely and abide by all other constitutionally placed laws is still required. This ensures your rights do not endanger or limit others right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.

All fees associated with licensing and registration for ANY RIGHT are limited to the “at cost price” of administering licensing and registration. Continuing fees after initial registration and license renewal are “at cost” due to Supreme Court ruling in Murdock vs. Pennsylvania. Reaffirming all rights can not be converted into a privilege. This includes the rights given by the 2nd Amendment and any firearm.

Any part of existing laws violating, limiting, restricting, or granting authority of any entity;agency: or law enforcement to unilaterally remove these rights is void. Prior to the above, due process (day in court judged by peers) per constitution and Supreme Court ruling in Maybury vs Maddison is required

Any part or penalty of law authorizing the seizure of personal property used to exercise the right to travel prior to due process (day in court) per the 5th Amendment is now void.

Any fees, money(s), currencies, or payments obtained that are used currently for other purposes will now be required to go through the propper process. They must be voted on and obtained by federal, state, and local governments, respectively.

Any mode of travel as a right pertains to the citizen or persons authorized by other laws being the operator of each mode of travel. Traveling via others right in an exchange for services are between the parties involved. Traveling as a right and not charging fees does not apply to business exchanges for providing the mode of travel.

Any law that authorizes a search of persons, property, or seizure while traveling without direct the witnessing of a crime or criminal act by a LEO (law enforcment officer) is void. Probable cause is too vague and open to interpretaion. It opens a door to harrasment and an infringement or temporary impedance of the right. Too many cases today that cause tax payer funds to settle, process, and hear lawsuits against departments.

1.US Constituion life, LIBERTY, and the persuit of happiness.
2. Kent v Dulles 1958 right of travel is a part of liberty and cannot be deprived
3. Maybury v. Madison 1803 a law repugnant to the constituion is void
4. Murdock v Pennsylvania 1943 a liberty can not be converted into a privelege and charge a fee for it.
5. Bill of rights

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