Adults pressuring children to be trans

(Originally a reply to “Ban Gender Transitioning for Minors” but I was concerned it might be too divergent from the original topic and am now making this a separate thread. I hope that’s correct.)

I agree that gender transitioning should be banned for minors. I feel 25 years or older might be a better age limit, if the procedure is allowed at all.

If I may point out, there’s a deeper problem on this subject though. Namely that children are being encouraged by adults with agendas to think they have a gender identity problem in the first place.

Children are impressionable and if you tell them they’re a boy in a girl’s body or vice versa and then make that sound cool and special and make special clubs for them etc., rewarding the behavior, they’re going to go for it.

I saw an ancient Johnny Carson clip where he was asked how he became a comedian. As a kid he told a joke and made an adult laugh. That positive reinforcement that one time was enough. It changed the course of his life. That one time “and I was hooked” he said. Imagine the pressure kids go through these days in a school environment that makes being gay or trans, etc., somehow special and normal all at once.

I’ve heard of special school clubs for the LGBT kids and the trans kids, of ice cream parties for only them in front of the (by implication boring) kids who aren’t. I’ve seen video where a mother was obviously completely elated to introduce her trans child who was barely old enough to speak, shushing and glaring at her other child who wasn’t claiming trans status to please his mother while everyone in the crowd clapped and ooo’d and aw’d over the trans child who was looking to mom for cues. The woman looked like she had won an award, really, and her trans baby was a trophy. I’ve heard kids talking about “identifying as” gay or bi or trans and their pronouns etc. as part of introducing themselves, identifying themselves as part of this or that special club, sneering at the kids who dare to sheepishly admit to being normal. Children are made to feel ashamed of being NOT gender confused.

So, they imagine themselves to be trans. Not because it’s true but because they got positive attention for it. They are made to think it’s true with that positive reinforcement, but it isn’t. And lies have a way of crumbling with time. When they’re an adult and find their real self, somehow, through this mass of wrongness crammed into their craniums, they find themselves mutilated and sterilized, unable to have children, unable to have physical intimacy properly, unable to have physical gratification even. But more importantly, once life experience helps reality sink in, they’re going to realize what humans in general are and what we do, what our lives are about- which is family and home and making the next generation. Then they will inevitably find out that they’ve excluded themselves from ever fitting into society because someone convinced them they didn’t fit in when they were a vulnerable child and that mutilating themselves would fix it, when that ‘fix’ of surgery didn’t fix anything, it only made the lie real. Then they often go off and kill themselves.

This is such a crime against humanity I don’t know how to express it. And I don’t know how we can stop it. But I hope we can.

Banning the surgeries for minors is a good first step but how do we stop kids from killing themselves in protest of not getting the surgeries? How do we stop the adults involved from pressuring these kids into thinking they’re trans in the first place?

Any ideas? Can we make this illegal? But how can we enforce it?


Maybe parents who push this idea should be charged with gross neglect, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, mental and emotional abuse and have their child/children placed with a safe family member.

I think that the parents who do this want to prove that they are not against the lgbtq group so its almost like an offering.
" See, I’m ok with trans, my kid is one."
This is totally a mental issue and parents should have to take some kind of parent class and get a mental evaluation done .

Also, this should not be pushed or taught in schools. Kids need to be able to grow up without all that confusion.

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