Adding a 'Made in America' Filter on Retail Websites

What’s the Idea?
We want all big shopping websites to include a “Made in America” filter. This will help people quickly find and buy U.S.-made products.

Why It Matters:

  1. Protect U.S. Jobs: A filter makes it easier to support American workers by choosing U.S.-made products.
  2. Boost Our Economy: More American-made purchases help local businesses and keep money in the U.S.
  3. Fair Competition: U.S. companies can compete better when their products are easier to find.
  4. Transparency: People will know where products are made and make informed choices.

How It Works:

  1. Add a Filter: Websites must include a “Made in America” filter.
  2. Clear Labels: Companies must label U.S.-made products accurately.
  3. Enforcement: The government will ensure companies follow the rules.


  1. Customers: Easier to support U.S. products.
  2. Businesses: American companies get more visibility.

Adding a “Made in America” filter to retail websites is a simple but powerful way to help support American businesses, protect jobs, and promote transparency.

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Hey I love this idea, Voted and liked it!.

I think it goes well with what we are proposing in our policy, I hope you’ll vote and like ours as well.

You’ve heard of “Made In China” I’m coining the term “Sold By China”

It’s a modern economic displacement that’s happening as we speak.