As we’ve witnessed over the last 10 years, the D.O.J., FBI, and Secret Service have been infiltrated and compromised by the enemies of our Constitutional Republic, who have weaponized the government, with their main purposes being the elimination of our 45th and 47th POTUS, Donald J. Trump, and the suppression and control of our 1st Amendment and information sharing rights.
Millions of us freedom loving Americans believe that in order to have a properly functioning and efficient government, there must be full transparency and accountability from the 3 branches of said government (Executive, Legislative, Judiciary), but even more importantly, from the governmental agencies whose job it is to protect “We the People”, by making any and all bad actors responsible for suppression of speech, lawfare, and Marxist/Socialist propaganda be held accountable for their crimes.
Furthermore, the assasination attempts and coup that have been staged against President Donald J. Trump must be carefully and deeply investigated to get to the bottom of who ordered it, as well as the identities of all of those that were involved. It is my sincere hope and prayer that for the good of our Republic, this policy or a similar one is of utmost importance.