About the Collections category

A collection is a topic area that serves as a way to consolidate similar topical posts, so people can discuss topics as a whole. You can think of it as a way to discuss a topic area that you’ve searched about! It’s not the same as a tag, as the collection appears regularly and you can discuss the collection as a unit in and of itself. Collections can’t be voted on.


would you explain how to list policies by votes? i would like to see all policies listed by votes from highest to lowest
thank you


i found one way to see policies by vote. choose a category, then choose votes. this will generate a list of policies by vote for that category.

How do we add a post to a collection?

This site is a great idea and I’m sure it works fine for the typical social media user. Unfortunately, without some simplification this forum will only reflect the ideas of that group. A simplified option for neophytes would help ensure that the suggestions, votes, and comments better reflect the whole population.

Try testing it out on some old folks… my grandkids can probably use this site with ease, but those of us who grew using an Atari, not so much.

Surely those who can program a rocket to land on its tail on a floating platform can make a simpler site for all levels of geekyness.

I hope this gets trough… I’m guessing here!

Oh thank you for your words. I was composing an email on this very topic of the difficulty of navigating this website. A simplified version for neophytes would be a welcome remodel. I feel as though I am going in circles. Has anyone found an explanation for ‘Observation’? What does that blue box mean? Why are the blue boxes under the heading there?

Yes! ‘A simpler site for all levels of geekyness’ I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one floundering around. So is a friend of mine! How do we easily find the original policy? Did I miss a tutorial?

Any explanatory notes would help unless I missed them somewhere! Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Suggestion: Make a ‘Contact Us’ a little more visible. I found it … somewhere.

I wish I could help… but I’m still fumbling around myself.

I did learn recently that you’re only allowed 10 votes. I’ve no idea if there’s a time frame before new ones are issued but I believe you can now retract your votes and reuse them.

I think the root issue is that those who operate the site are social techno-geeks. As an old engineer I’m a proud member of the generation that introduced geekism to the world (geeks rule!). Geek culture, like all others, has its language, rules, tools, and customs. These blind members to the problems that outsiders face… that’s not a criticism, its just a fact.

Unless and until some outsiders are added to the site’s leadership folks like us will continue to become frustrated and our input will be lost. Group think will eventually prevail and that will limit the grassroots to only the yards in social media neighborhoods.

I’m still trying to get the attention of someone outside the social media crowd, but no luck yet.

Sorry about the delayed response. I wrote back but failed to post it and just today found where drafts are stored.