Abortion Requirements

Abortion rights have been turned over to the people of the state and we cannot control those that choose them.

However, at a federal level there should be further protection requirements that states and abortion clinics must abide by.

  • Abortions should not be held in a clinic setting and should be required to be performed in facilities like those of hospitals.

  • All members of an abortion facility must be thoroughly trained and have continued annual training on signs and prevention of trafficking or abuse victims and are required to reporter any signs of abuse or trafficking.

  • Counseling sessions are required by a licensed therapist prior to the scheduled abortion and a week after the procedure.

  • Late term abortions cannot be performed.

  • Any abortions that fail and result in a live birth must provide life saving medical care to the newborn immediately.

To combat arguments of sex crimes on minors and trafficking:

  • Those convicted without a doubt of sexual misconduct of a minor will be sentenced to a minimum of 25 years.

  • Those convicted without a doubt of sexual misconduct of an adult will be sentenced to a minimum of 15 years.

  • Any adult that knowingly and falsely accuse a person of sexual misconduct will be sentenced to a minimum of 15 years.

  • Anyone caught trafficking a person for sexual or other reasons will receive a minimum of 25yrs.


Regarding your suggestion “late term abortions cannot be performed.” Trump has said he will not sign any abortion ban (although I hope the next president will support a 15 week restriction). Also, some women do not fully discover that the baby has a likely fatal condition, or has a severe condition (like anencephaly) until after they have any time for an abortion. The headlines alone would create political problems for legislators. And most people do support exceptions for those things.

Here’s an alternative suggestion. Since Trump won’t sign a ban, how about simply banning the use of feticide & medical neglect against viable babies? For example, ban dismemberment, digoxin shots, intrauterine instillations & umbilical cord transections, and all other forms of violence, against unborn babies determined to be viable & likely to survive infancy. Mandate full medical treatment for viable babies born alive.

These alternate suggestions would accomplish four things: (1) it would dissuade a lot of women seeking late term elective abortions, (2) preserves the option for those who need to deliver for health reasons, (3) ensures the survival of more babies and (4) eliminates the common Democrat claim that an act to protect babies born alive would just cause suffering for families and nonviable babies more likely to die or suffer a severe physical condition.

For more of my proposed policies regarding maternal/fetal healthcare & abortion, please go here: