Abortion- Mandatory Male Contraceptive

This issue is dividing our country and is one of the main issues that most women will not be voting for Trump. If there is a ban, or partial ban on abortion rights in any state, those states should impose a mandatory male contraceptive! Did I get your attention?

This is HUGE issue for women, as they make up half of the United States. There is not one ban or bill that goes against a man’s body or health rights! A man is 50% responsible for conception, yet the burdens fall on the woman. Birth control fails, condoms fail, men fail, contraception’s fail, rape, incest, sexual assault happens. Women carry the entire burden and decision after. While I agree abortion should not be used as birth control, or should not be allowed up until birth. I do not think it should be banned or made so difficult to receive one if you and your doctor decide what is best for you. I think policy and education will help women/girls make better informed decisions. Sexual Education is lacking in the United States. I had 1 class on reproduction in grade school and nothing in high school. We have to do better. There has to be a bridge to make women feel they have their rights intact because it is their body after all. Women make up half the population, and had to fight for an education, right for the right to vote, fight for equal pay, and now re-fighting for the rights to their own body “per state”. They are fighting to keep men out of women’s locker rooms, off of women’s sports fields, women’s gyms. When can women feel like they are taken seriously and need to stop fighting for her rights constantly? I personally would not get an abortion, but I don’t think they should be banned by the states, or made extremely hard to get if they choose with their doctors.

Better policies might include:

-Mandatory extensive sexual, reproductive, education in schools. Maybe classes given to parents as well to better inform their own children.

-An educational course or classes should be taken before one can receive an abortion. Make it more of a big deal than it is currently, so people think twice about it.

-Men should take an abortion class or course, so they are educated on it. Or taken together.

-Abortion Term limit with exceptions, but not up until birth.

-Make medications like Plan B more accessible, to avoid conception from the beginning. Make contraceptives easily accessible.

-Invest funding into male birth control options.

-Men should be held more responsible for their part.

I do think overturning Roe vs Wade was a big mistake. It was a fail for women across the United States. Having bodily autonomy should be a basic human right. It is currently hurting the Trump campaign, but with the right policy there can be a bridge to both sides of this dividing issue.


I agree with your policy ideas!

I have suggested similar ideas, a mandatory high school awareness class. I truly think that this awareness of all these things would motivate young people to exercise more responsibility and that men would respect women more:

<<<Pass a law that in order to get federal funding, high schools must make a graduation requirement and colleges make an admission requirement students must first pass an awareness class, taught by a non-school, non-teacher union, non-ideological, independent contractor, using a transparent curriculum available to the public online, regarding:

-what abortion procedures are really like

-fetal & child development

-all the resources available to low income moms

-basic parenting skills & perspectives from moms about what motherhood is really like and its challenges and rewards

-primary attachment theory

-physical/psychological risks & experiences of pregnancy and abortion

-the causes & harmful effects of toxic stress against pregnant moms and our babies

-the harms of absent fatherhood

-awareness about all forms of abuse, including narcissistic abuse, economic abuse and coercive control

-awareness about all forms of, and the harms of, exploitation of women’s bodies, all forms of sexual coercion, pregnancy coercion, abortion coercion and our “player culture”

-biological sex differences between men and women

-adoption awareness, especially for children with Down Syndrome

-perspectives and experiences from children and parents about the causes, challenges, rewards and parenting/child-care strategies for various disabilities and learning disorders, especially for Down Syndrome, Autism & ADHD>>>>
For more of my policy proposals related to these issues, please view it here:

Your opening almost opened a can of worms but I read through your policy and can agree on some levels with your proposal. I do want to say before I give you the pat on the back for some of your great ideas is that while there isn’t a ban on males rights to control their body there is a law stating we must sign up for the draft.

Anywho, I do agree that sometimes contraceptives fail and that in some cases a pregnancy happens that is unplanned. I believe you are on the right path with education but also am hesitant because our education system is a total mess.

I believe there should be a limit as tell unless a medical emergency occurs after that limit. What would you recommend the limit be? By the end of the first trimester or later? I’ve heard people talk about phantom pregnancies (where the woman doesn’t know till well into the pregnancy) what about those cases? If they are even a real thing I’ve never experienced one with the women in my life so it’s a honest question.

Your last bullet point was men should be held more responsible for their part, can we also somehow address the females that have a child and run off, also how the male who is 50% of this conception is completely left out of the discussion, and decision?

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I’d like to see abortions ended. I’d like to see tax dollars spent on
1 - free contraception
2 education mandatory for pre pubescent boys and girls
3 free morning after pill
4 - free expenses for third trimester, free medical expenses incl birth for those who choose to put baby up for adoption.
We all like to think that we humans evolve over time and become more civilized. Abortion is not a civilized idea. It should be unthinkable, actually.