Abolish The ATF

Review dismissal, and re-institution of ATF members into state sheriff and police jurisdictions.

Dissolve the ATF, for deregulation of citizens right(s) to consume, distribute, and use : Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

Under no penalty, or over-reach of government run resources should citizens be watched and monitored for the consumption, distribution, or use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

Federal Policy should require a dismissal of the ATF or to abolish the ATF, that each state holds precedence and power, and should be rendered to the states to vote.

The Federal Government should not use the power of protection and money to remove or abuse the rights of the citizens unless otherwise NOT living in union to, and within these, United States.
Adjudication of rights is held by each state.

All policy, written and presented, should be in compliance to “The people”, as it is written in United States Declaration of Independence, as well as, the U.S. Constitution.


And explosives! The ATF should be a public store…not a way to government to egregiously remove the rights of its citizens.


The ATF should be abolished, period. The concept of the department is unconstitutional. Monitoring lawful citizens of the United States under any title is unconstitutional.
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. With the constitution as the standard, all departments in the government should be scrutinized.


I was just going to say that the ATF should be a convenience store not a government agency but you beat me to it.

Unelected bureaucrats should not be enacting “rules” that are effectively laws! That role is reserved for elected officials in Congress!! ABOLISH THE ATF!!!

Also See

Abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

The number of major mistakes and abuses have led to making the ATF more of a liability than an asset. The corruption within the organization has continued for decades. Individual states have more than enough laws on the books. Let the states take care of all of laws abused by the ATF.

Siege at Ruby Ridge

Siege of Waco.

“Fast and Furious” scandal

Other sources:
