Abolish Real Etate Taxes

Abolish property taxes.
Property taxes unfairly punish hard working Americans who invest their time and money in real estate. Property taxes are immoral because there is no liberty without ownership of property. Property taxes are also immoral because the tax has to be paid yearly with the threat of the state foreclosung on your property even after the mortgage is paid which means a person never truly owns their property. Most of the money goes to governemnt education which is a complete failure. Public school education has continued to erode because parents are not directly involved in the transaction of educating their children. Parent should be responsible for paying for their own kids education. This would decrease the costs of education and improve efficiency. Homeschooling and online learning are much more efficient and affordable ways to educate compared to the oudated public school system which was created over 100 years ago for factory work during the industrial revolution.

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