It makes absolutely no sense to pay taxes on income, then pay taxes when buying things with already taxed income, just to then pay more taxes annually on things i own (which i already paid taxes for when buying with already taxed income). Abolishing the personal property tax would incentivize people to buy more property, while also keeping more earned money in Americans’ pockets, which would stimulate more spending, thereby offsetting the revenue loss with increased sales or consumption taxes.
And once enacted, it’s extremely difficult to do away with any form of taxation. Politicians post bond issues and often make the claim that the enactment of their bond will not result in an increase to property taxes. But what they don’t tell you, is if the bond doesn’t pass, your taxes could actually go down when previous bonds expire. Just another form of lying by omission.
If you do a search you will find this is not a "new"policy.
There are over 50+ concerning a Flat Tax,
“Search results for 'flat tax order:latest' - Policies for the People”
and over 50+ concerning “Property Taxes”.
“Search results for 'property tax order:latest' - Policies for the People”