Abolish Federal Government Unions

Federal employees should not be able to unionize and strike, thereby shutting down essential services. As an example, the American Postal Workers Union could call a strike during election season, which would constitute election interference but moating the delivery of absentee ballots.

Executive Order 10988 gave Federal employees the right to join, form, or assist labor organizations. It established a three-tiered system of recognition: exclusive representation, formal recognition, and informal recognition. For unions designated by a majority of employees in a unit, agencies would be obligate to negotiate over terms and conditions of employment with the exclusive representative, and to allow it to attend formal meetings. In units without an exclusive representative, the agency would have to accord formal recognition to unions representing more than 10 percent of the unit and to “consult with such organization from time to time in the formulation and implementation of personnel policies and practices, and matters affecting working conditions that are of concern to its members.” The agency would also have to informally recognize all unions, regardless of whether another union was the exclusive representative, and allow them “to present to appropriate officials its views on matters of concern to its members.”

This order must be rescinded.


I agree with this and want to add that Government unions donate to political parties and votes for politicians. Quid Pro Quo for benefits and pay increases.

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FDR even was against government unions due to the conflict of interest by their very nature. It is a corrupt cycle where unions donate to democrats, democrats increase government, and unions grow…all using taxpayer money.

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I completely agree with this. Government workers at all levels - federal, state, and local - already have protections afforded by the Civil Service, which was created back in 1871. These people are paid by the taxpayers of the United States. They should not be allowed to form unions, nor should they be able to go on strike. The unionization of government workers has only increased the costs to American taxpayers.