Abolish and Consolidate the FBI, CIA, and other 3 letter agencies

The FBI, CIA, DHS, and other 3 letter agencies have mission creeped well beyond their original purviews and have become so corrupt to the point of being unsalvageable.

All these agencies have a proven history of being Anti-American, targeting US citizens for lawfare, social experiments, and medical experiments.

They must all be purged and what absolutely necessary functions they do have be instated in a single, streamlined agency that has better oversight, ideally from the Executive and Judicial branches.


Yes! The alphabet agencies are out of control and we the ppl have NO say in them!!


Absolutely agreed, 3 letter agencys have made up whatever they wanted to making things illegal that never should have been a problem. For years they have wreaked havoc on law-abiding citizens.


Not a bad start!