Abolish Abortion, Abortifacient Birth Control, IVF

Abortion is murder. Birth control is murder. IVF is murder. We need a constitutional amendment to that effect.

Our nation has so, so much blood on its hands—on the left, right, up, and down. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Christians who compromise on murder should be ashamed of themselves. Republican women who have let the party become comfortable with murder should be ashamed of themselves. Woe to those who had great power and influence in this country, leading it for God’s truth and glory, and fumbled. Untold millions of children are conceived and either killed or allowed to die or frozen indefinitely. We will stand before God and He will know the exact number for which each person is responsible. Hell is hot.

But if we will turn from our own ways, let go of what we think we know, stop trying to be God and instead we please God, God will bless us. Right now we are cursed beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you want God’s favor, if you want Heaven and a relationship with God forever and ever with Him—stop killing His children. If you think you’re going to heaven but support the killing of children by ANY means, you are wicked, and your teeth will be broken. God is not mocked.


Jesus also said, “my kingdom is no part of this world” so he kind of endorsed a separation of religion and state right there.

I agree that abortion is wrong, but no federal legislator is going to ban abortion prior to 15 weeks, let alone ban pre-conception “abortion” by the way you describe it, and Trump already said he will not sign any abortion ban whatsoever.

And buoyed by all massive anti-life misinformation campaign in the headlines, Americans are becoming more doubtful of pro-life laws. No matter how many times pro-life organizations put out the most knowledgeable, fact-checking videos and articles, it’s not enough to overcome the overwhelming perception. You might as well scream into a bottle.

The above facts should tell you that Christians aren’t positioned to look to the government to restrict abortion beyond what the public perception will tolerate. However, we should fight for whatever positive changes we can get. But if it’s “all or nothing” we’re going to get nothing and Democrats won’t stop until they pass abortion-until-birth in all 50 states. Priorities, Kyle!

I hoped Trump would support a moderate 15 week restriction, but he’s not, so I’m hoping that the next GOP president will (such as DeSantis or Youngkin). But if Trump were to pass a politically extreme abortion bill, or simply did absolutely nothing to address the misinformation about maternal healthcare, expect a Blue wave in the midterms and in the next presidential election, will IMMEDIATELY overturn an extreme abortion ban on day one and replace it with a federal right to abortion-until-birth. Democrats will never let the GOP live this down until the chances of living in a culture is life becomes impossible.

Here’s what I propose to help support access to quality maternal & fetal healthcare and stabilize the abortion issue:

I appreciate your thought and research. Your initial policy suggestion was part of the reason I posted mine, because I saw no Christian holding Trump accountable for taking Christian votes for granted and compromising on every social and moral issue.

Here’s what I’m thinking: high hopes and low expectations. We should absolutely endeavor to pass abortion ban, repeal 17th and 19th amendments, ban drugs, porn, contraception, abortifacient fertility treatments, make it easier to adopt, and go scorched earth on the administrative state. And some or none may get through. But how are bricks going to fall if we use drill bits instead of battering rams? I’m sorely sick of compromise on human life, and fee Christians are taking the issue seriously. Most Christians take Jesus in John 18 out of context, too. The Church has abdicated its cultural leadership and we can either do good and please God, or let the world pass away and let Jesus come kindle the fire He wishes we had already kindled (Luke 12:49).

If your policy passes, I’ll be happy, I think, but not as happy as if Trump was saved and repented and honored God.

I am aware of the logistical challenges with legislating this issue. Personally, I think it’s more practical to handle it at the states, which overturning Roe accomplished. However, I still have a deep desire to put white-hot screws to Trump and make him sweat for godless conservatism. He needs to wake up, and Christians should not reward him for his compromise with their votes, yet we may be forced to because the left is so evil.

We are God’s representatives, and the Kingdom is coming. We should be sweating blood as in Gethsemane on this issue and all the things of God.


You say you’re sick of “compromise on human life.” But there ARE no federal compromises on abortion and certainly not in most states, where abortion-until-birth is passing, including in Ohio.

I wish I could see moderate laws so much to “feel sick of it, too” but that’s not the case.

There is no “hope” of Trump passing any extreme abortion bans.

I’m encouraged that you say you would feel “happy” if Trump passed my idea, but by countering my idea with this one, it only sends him the message that pro-lifers are too divided to make it worth it for him to take a side. That’s probably why he went the states-only route. Because pro-lifers didn’t collectively offer a viable measure that he could get behind. You’re splitting the vote. :frowning:

This is the policy we need:

Simply recognize all unborn children as human beings from conceptipn, and all murder laws will instantly apply.

We can also cosify the scientific definitions for male and female in the same bill, which would solve a plethora of these problems.

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This is the policy we need:

Simply recognize all unborn children as human beings from conceptipn, and all murder laws will instantly apply.

We can also cosify the scientific definitions for male and female in the same bill, which would solve a plethora of these problems.


Because someone has trouble having children and needs ivf and Kyle disagrees with it… it should go away forever? Take a long walk off a short bridge.


absolutely not. birth control is used for so many other reasons outside of contraception. this should be an obvious no. i use mine for acne and hormonal balance purposes. other women use it to prevent painful things like ovarian cysts. birth control and abortion is health care. i am christian and don’t believe in careless abortions because a life is a life but women deserve the right to choose.

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Disagree! Every situation is different. Extremist mentally is never a good option for anyone in any situation.

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IVF kills more babies than it produces. Theres also over a million frozen babies currently. Look into the discarding process.

If it were two year olds or 10 year olds or any other age group, society would be outraged that we allow for the murder of innocent children. Because theyre in the womb theyre discriminated against like theyre less than a human being. No group of people should have special murder rights over another group of people.

All birth control pills have an abortifacient mechanism in them that will kill your baby if you become pregnant.
They dont just precent ovulation.

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No one should should be able to lawfully murder someone else.

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OK, and what are you going to do about it?

  1. I’m going to continue to contact and discuss with my local pro-life legislators. Showing them that abolishing abortion is the only Biblical argument. Also, hold them accountable when they try to pass unjust laws that regulate the murder of innocent children. There are no laws that punish the child of a criminal rather than the criminal like abortion does. Instead of putting the innocent child to death, the rapist should be put to death.
  2. I’m going to contine to go to local areas near me and engaging people in the discussion and show them that there are other postions besides pro-life and pro-choice. Abolition is a position. It’s a historic position that lead to the abolition of slavery.
  3. I’m going to continue to meet with local Crisis Pregnancy Center leaders and educate them on abolition. Also, that women are not victims, they are intelligent enough to know exactly what they’re doing. That the crisis pregnancy centers should use language like murder, when talking to pregnant women. Also to have repentance in their post abortive counseling. Identifying the sin and asking Christ for forgiveness of that sin. If the sin is not properly indentified then there is no forgiveness. If the women is portrayed as the victim, she will continue to deal with the regret and shame of her abortion rather than seeing her need for a Savior and relying on Christ Jesus.

That’s already been done for decades and is accomplishing NOTHING to actually ban abortion for all remaining states or our country. All you’re doing is an over-glorified virtue-signaling campaign and simultaneously try to attack all efforts of others actually trying to do something. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or pious you think you are to have your stubborn positions, because, regardless, NEWSFLASH: the pro-abortion movement is winning, their state ballot measures are passing, pro-life support is slipping according to polls and the majority just sees you as extreme. In the meantime, thousands of second and third trimester babies are being hauled into the slaughterhouse every year because pro-lifers can’t get their stuff together and unite towards politically REALISTIC solutions. These babies aren’t waiting for Jesus Christ. They’re waiting for YOU to prioritize them. We can’t save all of them, at least not right now. Get that through your head. The pro-abortion movement out-funds and mainstream media misinformation outpaces pro-lifer efforts. Let’s save everyone that we CAN.

I am prioritizing them. All of them. No matter how far along they are in gestation. The pro-life movement is a failure you’re right. Apply your argument to any other situation. Should the Allies have prioritized certain Jews based on arbitrary standards when defending them against the Nazis, saving some Jews? Was it right the “anti-salvery” arguments were, “Just don’t fill the slave ships so full.” Slavery was abolished because people prioritized that all human beings are created in the image of God. Slavery was abolished because of an Abolitionist Movement. Not an incremental one. The incremental approach only makes it last longer. The pro-life movement has continuously passed legislation regulating murder. Even when they’ve had pro-life presidents and senate and house majority before. If abortion is abolished. Pro-life orgs wont exist to donate to their failed pro-life campaigns, so the purposefully pass 6 week, 12 week, whatever they can think of so the money doesnt stop. If you believe life begins at conception/fertilization, then your position can only be to save all babies in the womb. No matter their age

Slavery WAS solved incrementally. Some of the founders wanted to ban it but they couldn’t, because their idea didn’t have enough support, so they signed the constitution & bill of rights without banning slavery. What would have happened if they refused to agree to the constitution, and no one ended up free?

But to answer a comparable hypothetical question, if someone gave me a choice, and said, choose between option A - save 10,000 people but let 90,000 people die, or option B- just let all 100,000 people die, I think u know which option I would choose.

Reality check. Abortion bans are not on the table. The majority of Americans think bans are extreme and cruel, and will never see it your way. abortion-until-birth bills are slowing winning in more states and overcoming previously passed abortion bans Complacency is the hobgoblin for genocide. Save as many people as you can, instead of passively sacrificing the viable few, just to give yourself a badge of piety for attacking those who were trying to actually do something about to save them. Since the time that you first posted, sitting on your hands, a couple hundred fully formed second trimester babies were already butchered. As long as pro-lifers fail to prioritize the lives they CAN save, this massacre will continue every single day.

Check out a William Wilberforce biography. Incremental bills passed yes, while William Wilberforce pushed for abolition until it passed. His biggest opponents were incrementalist making the same arguments you’re making. I don’t sit on my hands. I layed out some things I do. Think about when your pro-life bills pass. They then become the “law of the land.” The"law of the land" has been the continual excuse for pro-lifers since Roe v. Wade. After Roe was overturned all those pro-life bills that were passed kept abortion legal in every state. Regulating murder. Pro-choicers are going to argue against you, that if you believe that life begins at conception, what’s the difference between 6 weeks or 39 weeks? If 6 weeks is ok with you then why not 39 weeks? You’re arguments are not consistent. The only difference between pro-life and pro-choice is when its ok to murder a baby in the womb. You both advocate for the murder of children. You both want to pass laws that make it legal. You may think your way is practical, or more attainable but it’s immoral. Equal Justice for all human beings is the only answer. The same laws that protect me and you and punish anyone who would do us harm is the only right answer.

All the unborn babies that just got dismembered yesterday couldn’t care less about your attacks against me for trying to defend them, and all your excuses. Anyone who is complacent to their torturous deaths should not be calling me names about it. If you want all-or-nothing, then all-or-nothing is what you will continue to get. Stop caring about your opinion or others’ opinion of you. Care about what all these babies are going thru, and put them first.