I think we should have a 2nd amendment observation day, on June 21st. This is the day the Constitution was ratified.
What would be done on that for the observing it, what kind of plan
Good question. When we observe other days, there’s usually some heritage history involved. Maybe a history lesson on why we have the 2nd amendment. Cause you know, it’s not about hunting, even though that’s the narrative.
They can do education about other things, why not something ingrained in our culture
That sounds like a good start, maybe prompt gun safety classes, information on about everything dealing with all types of guns and why each one would be used.
This is something I wrote in another post, but maybe it will get more attention here:
If the people are not able to find justice in the courts, the founders gave us several very peaceful ways of nullifying laws such as mass disobedience and jury nullification. It may time to begin utilizing those methods, but the people must be educated enough in the nuances and ramifications so they can withstand the consequences together and push back in a unified manner, peacefully.
For example, if the people were to publically announce
a “national 2a day of extremely peaceful noncompliance to illegal government overreach”
Legal protest on December 15 2025
to celebrate the ratification of the bill of rights, that would send a powerful message if millions of unified and educated citizens of all classes and affiliations “showed up” by just going about their daily routines.
Maybe that could tie in to what you’re thinking.
Imagine if across the country, every gun owner, at the same time, peacefully displayed open carry while going about their daily business.