Amendment XXVIII
The United States government may only raise revenue from the citizens and residents of the United States by one means. That means must be equally apportioned to each citizen by equal amounts per divisions of one hundred. It shall be permissible to set a floor or threshold such that citizens with means below the threshold are not compelled to contribute to the Nation’s revenue. No citizen shall be afforded methods to reduce their burden to the revenue of the United States relative to other citizens. The XVI Amendment is repealed four years from the date of ratification of this Amendment. No other tax, fee, charge, or any other method of raising revenue from a citizen or resident of these United States shall be permissible four years after ratification of this Amendment. This Amendment has no authority or effect upon each State’s manner of revenue generation.
The national government may not raise revenue from one State, and apportion it back to another State.
All citizens and lawful residents of these United States over the age of seventeen years are members of the militia, whether organized or unorganized.
The rights of citizens shall only be afforded to natural persons. No organization, corporation, or collective shall be afforded the rights guaranteed by this Constitution to it’s citizens. No United States of America domiciled organization, corporation, or collective shall be compelled to collect or contribute revenue to the National government. No organization, corporation, or collective is permitted to contribute to a candidate for office, or lobby or otherwise seek to influence an elected or administrative official.
No person may be paid from the Treasury of the United States, directly or indirectly, for a total exceeding twenty-four years excepting years in military service.
All laws shall be stricken from the laws and code of these United States one hundred years after the law was passed by the House and Senate and presented too the President. Any law to be reinstated must be again debated and amended in accordance with the rules of each house in effect at the time of debate. Those laws which would be stricken upon ratification of this Amendment may remain in place until twenty-five years from the date of ratification of this Amendment.
The President of the United States may strike from any legislation presented for signature any passage or portion of the legislation. The Congress may override such a change in accordance with Article I section 7 of this Constitution.
Proposed legislation presented for debate in the House or Senate may not aggregate dissimilar legislative purposes.
A Representative or Senator who votes upon legislation and has not read and comprehended such legislation, shall have committed a breach of the public trust.
A felony shall only apply to those convicted of treason, the taking of another’s life, violent assault resulting in bodily injury, sexual assault, and for those paid from the Treasury of the United States breach of the public trust. No citizen may be deprived of the rights guaranteed by this Constitution upon completion of the sentence imposed by a court of law. Hard labor nor capital punishment shall be construed as cruel or unusual punishment; upon conviction and sentencing by a jury of the defendant’s peers.
No citizen or resident of these United States shall be deprived of property, possessions, or assets except as a condition of a sentence imposed by a court of law after trial. In all cases property confiscated or forfeited by a Federal Court order shall be remunerated to the Treasury Department and applied to the debts of the Nation.
The government of these United States may only empower one agency or department of the government with powers to enforce the laws of the national government. Such department shall operate under the oversight of the Congress, but the highest official shall be appointed by the President for a period of not less than six years and not more than ten years. No State may be compelled to enforce the laws of the national government on its behalf. This provision shall be in effect from two years after the ratification of this Amendment.
The government of these United States is prohibited from favoring one citizen over another for any reason in law, regulation or policy or by action. Nor shall the government of these United States disenfranchise or discriminate against one citizen over another for any reason in law, regulation or policy or by action.
Article III of the Constitution of the United States is amended by adding this Section 4, The Supreme Court shall consist of nine Justices, one of which shall be appointed as Chief Justice.
Amendment XVII is hereby repealed.