Women’s rights for EVERY country

I don’t know how we could do this, but we need to figure out a way to free the Afghan women and the Iranian women. Afghan women have literally no rights and are being abused. Iranian women are being sold into marriage at 9 years old. There has to be something we can do about this please.


We should start in our own country by helping our mentally ill women who think that killing babies and world war 3 is better than each state deciding on abortion. Those women are clearly not okay in the head and they need to be educated and they need help cuz what the actual fuck


I don’t think there’s anything we can do about that, short of conquering the Islamic world and making them behave the way we want at gunpoint. Obviously, I’m not in favor of doing that.

The problem is that two of the central beliefs of Islam are that Mohammad is the ultimate role model and the Koran is the perfect, final word of God. This is why Islam can’t be reformed to tolerate women’s rights. The nations would need to convert or secularize, neither of which seems likely any time soon. For example, if the Saudi king wanted to secularize Saudi Arabia, he’d be under attack by both the Salafi family and extremists in his own country and probably Iran as well.

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Oh, I’m totally in favor of telling them, at gunpoint, to stop raping and torturing women.