I think we should reorganize the way we run things in our government.
Something similar to the way jury duty works.
1st- Dissolve all the overhead in our government & the 3 letter agencies.
2nd- Go through all the bills and laws and revise what is needed.
Perhaps the same year we get a newly elected president we can go through certain 1’s over again, or all of them.
This is to be done by…
Mandatory for everyone that is over 18 yrs old.
Listen to the entire argument of 1 subject only & do a 50 person vote. (1 person from each state).
Your obligation is fulfilled & the next group comes in & votes on the next subject on the schedule. We can do this in layers , meaning for the Country,State & County. There are plenty of us to do this.
Doing this will do the following:
-Term limits will not exist.
-Lining pockets cannot exist.
-Insider trading cannot exist.
-Misusing tax dollars does not exist, you do not get paid.
It is OUR duty.
-Bribery cannot exist.
You will be selected randomly & what you vote on will be as well.
It’s needs revising but in the end we can have peace & prosperity.
Can you imagine the $$ we would save?
Can you imagine how the Country would truly be shared & ran by WE THE PEOPLE & NOT our “representative’s” that do not represent what we stand for or believe in?