Waste to Energy

New York has the largest waste to energy sites in America. there are several of the waste to energy locations. America does not utilize this near enough. There are several Youtubes on this especially of Singapore. I have included one example from youtube. Each county should have one of these. https://youtu.be/1nicf4RjU00?si=G07n4-VnesdB0m47 Methane gas from waste is burned then used to heat and incinerate the waste. The methane gas that is used to burn the waste is also used to create electricity. It is such a huge win. I do not know how these are not in every county.


I have never heard about this! Sounds like a great idea and keeps waste out of Mother Earth.

Heavy cost up front. Pay back is free electricity for the county. But years and years of avoiding toxic waste in the land. There are a number of great ideas for zero point electricity. This one is like killing three birds with one stone. All the land that would be toxic saddle up with a tree grower. use electroculture on the trees they will grow fast. use the lumber replant more trees. This is an example the schools should be mandated to teach a course on this subject. There are just a number of things that could expand this.