Union of Tomorrow 
Tacos & Amigos 🫱🏻🫲🏼 no Coca y Bandidos! 
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
i. Intro
Preface on Names
Chocó Canal
“Indians” vs
ii. Preamble
Union of Tomorrow
iii. Formation
iv. Members
United States
Lucayan Archipelago
North Columbia
Central Columbia
Costa Rica
Antilles Islands
v. Expanse
Two major regions
Special Zones
Panama Canal Zone
Isthmus of Tehuantepec
🪇 Chocó 🪈Cumbia
vi. Boundaries
Sea to Shining Sea
Chocó Canal
Atrato-; Napipí, Bojayá, Cacarica-Tuirá
Atrato-San Juan
1. rivers connected
2. dammed & connected
1. Panama Canal, #10, San Blas
2. Nicaragua
3. Current, Contraction
4. Others…
vii. Administration
🫱🏻🫲🏼 dual Presidents
Waves of Formation
~0-10 years
~11-20 years
~21-30 years
~31-40 years
~40+ years
viii. new Peoples
English language
Indigenous Tribes
Voluntary emigration
ix. Endeavors
Tehuantepec Canal
x. Ongoing
xi. Outro
Union, Ever-After
xii. Extras
[spoiler]test [/spoiler]
-: todos
In the beginning, the locos , safe in their walled-in trash-piles, and gleaming deciduous towers
, will try to stop you at all costs, gaslight you into submission; don’t. They make you feel crazy; you’re not! They sit inside of their steel carriages
purring & chittering at
NPR’s exotic strangers, every-other-hour, while rabbits
peer into your backyard, looking for sellables to trade to the foxes
, for just-one-more fix
; “you’re imagining it, you rabbity racist, but let them have it!” They
snarl & whimper “fascist®”, but after they can’t explain it, they hiss
"Hitler hast cometh!"
, but without any labels-bridging-words, like fascist, how can they make such leaps-in-logic; this is crazy!
Their accepted words~‘theories’ = ‘science’, and
is now lost
amongst their chittery nonsense; 3% organic, ‘97%’
playwrights crafting
, that you’re supposed to buy into, while they tune-in
Wild West
Freak Shows
; “All ‘Disadvantaged Minorities’ Considered”.
static message incoming;
wake-up! You’re starting to connect the dots, after hearing a conversation at the park,
; “
bunny, was it Rwanda, or Uganda, you know, so-in-so’s cub’s 2-year-mission to feed the
preachers oogling
& oggling
at ‘others’, from their freshly-supplied
cul-de-sac NPC-spaces; “you blasphemous bigot!” Your skills commonly get you praises, but barely enough to fill your own humble
; you haven’t checked the right boxes, graduated from the best places. Day-by-day, without a chance to kiss-up to gold-plated asses
; no doctoral thesis, nor any Midas-touch salary, to wipe your own ass with
Let them live in their self-serving trash-heaps
, shiny golden
meetings about meetings, gossip about strangers, and perpetual
flagellation; flimsy-roots
, ready to
. “When’s the next
Circus Freak Show
act?”; “It’s 24/7
non-stop coverage 🛜, with no extra charge for our holy fake-news services 🫴🏻
!” Without a squeak or a peep, a rattle or a growl, you’ve let them radiate
of constantly shifting woke-mirage messages; 🫰🏼abracadabra
reflect it back 🫸🏼 Butt
, Heads on a path forward, while not leaving the naysayers behind; gossip is eternal
, gold-crusty
~s, and new woke norms of this
year, aren’t
. Try to come to an understanding
; until you 🫵🏼
must act ahead of them
🫴🏿 –
Too Long, Didn’t Read; summation
for readers
with itchy feet
There, over yonder borders, monsters lie; don’t lie to yourselves about it! No, not the good people therein doing the best that they can, individually; but those bandidos thereto that have taken that ripe fruit dangling above them and bit it,
voraciously. Unfortunately, no one was there to tell them ‘Enough!’; to not suckle on the tender juices flowing along serpentine pathways into their mouths. To keep their hands out of the cookie
jar that lays open in-front of them; which, who can blame them for gobbling-down its spread-eagle contents?! >It’s time to help them grow up, not hold Lady Liberty’s bosom above them to nip on, while people are dying; an eye for an eye?<, a nip, for, ne… nip-slip!
🫸🏻 “look the other way,
echii, ばか!” Repeat to ?, or don’t collect 50-pesos <
Diplomagical word-magic is preferred, but don’t expect the
in their midst to switch career paths, while standing atop bloody mountains of
drug money; “fact-check - false - they’re Baskets of Adorables
, the whole lot of 'em!” Nor will those swearing themselves as arbiters of a superior moral faith lie down without Reeee’ing a séance of your prophesied cancellation;
“our sMiEncE is sMEcts, your SpWeeCH iS vImOlENce.” Many peoples south of our plastic outhouses
, especially the Indians
, have been left to rot
; our golden-fleece lays draped-over Asia, rather than our New World neighbors.
“But, we need them to harvest our crops, and the Asian Injuns aren’t suited for such tasks!”; oblivious-hypocrisy. True self-projectionist racists’ heartfelt sincerity 🫰🏻, shines brightly on their serious
faces; H1B is a caste system
Down-south, many-places need real paved roads, and Indio reservations to plant their seeds therebeside, not “They need a Golden
Ticket to build a Candy
Factory of Opportunities that are currently Near-Nada”, or some-other-such non-intelligible stanzas slithered outa the stannous breath of stank bureaucrats, elected by somebody-someones…, you can’t remember if they were even ever elected, to mime
‘on their behalves’; gold-leafed asses polished by cronies’
tongues gently licking them. We just need a Leader with the guts to pick a pathway & move towards it, not nurture new broods of
, compounded every-other
administration, on teats they’ve already bloodied
; kryptonite borders? Extending our hands, to yank them towards us
, rather than push them 🫸🏻 backwards, isn’t as hard as it seems, as we haven’t even really tried; really-really!? A Mundus-Novus’ Union shall complete the connections already between us, not let them lie tangled-up amongst never-ending lies words
; conjoined twins sharing the same heartbeat
. Yet, those currently south of the border have already heard similar-such magnanimous
, tickling their ears
; only to be jilted by yet-another lunatic Junta Dictator, or marionette Cartel Puppet-President
. ¿¡Sí, the US had a hand in that, us serfs
probably not knowing half of the 3-lEtTeR truth; “reparations!”?
Should we then just continue to slap 35ft long steel beams 5ft into a concrete foundation, across 1,933 miles (7,458 miles, if
Canada has a say in it), and just call it a day
; artificial*T straight-lines through nowhere
? A Union, such as will be described herein, can give a genuine equal-terms handshake 🫱🏻🫲🏼; once they’ve settled-in
. Not belittling head-pats unto serial killers
, & mind-rapists
, and the others
; whom, I assume, are good rabbits, and not
cannibals†. A chance for the disenfranchised to flourish upon their
lands, no-longer soaked in blood; cultivating cocoa
& amigos 🫱🏼🫲🏻, not
coca y
bandidos! Building roads
& railways
for an obtainable future, together; not nondescript encouragement heaped atop
word-spaghetti. Even if it takes some rough-play to get it started, it’s time to step-up; press
!: ¿no like TLDR ? try the RDLT,
; it was the original TLDR (“Abstract”, in boomer), until I made it too
, and flipped it
– it’s a completely different feeling – you may just
†: I added the last part for a reason, don’t stop now! 🫲🏽
TLDR-tldr…: Why do we build factories in Asia; shipping stuff back & forth on super-super polluting container ships, when we can build roads & railways into our massive next-door neighbors? Why does each administration just push the growing border problems onto the next, while messing-around in over-seas nations?! “Union”, by choice, & future-forward-thinking actions; this proposal-re-write is about joining together into a Union of Union Regions, that share the same Congress, but each region has its own Union States, & Union President. Having multiple presidents will give us fail-safe(s) against power-tripping; each president will be able to veto/slap the stupidity of other Union President(s)!
The Union will start with the original USA states, & Congress, within a newly defined Union Region of Leifland, that’ll also include the new Canada-Greenland, & Lucayan Archipelago (Bahamas, etc.) , Union lands; which will start as 2 new Union States, but not as a separate Union Region - West/Aleutia, & East/Nunavut. The Lucayan Archipelago will merge with the Union State of Florida, unless it starts as part-of the Union State of Central Columbia, in the southern Union Region. Greenland won’t start as its own state, but as part-of the East Canada, new Union State of Nunavut, while Alaska will merge with West Canada, the new Union State of Aleutia, to help offset the left-voting British Columbia’s prairie-provinces-stifling population; crafting a 1:1 bipartisan split - for a higher chance to get the Union started in the first place ~ Congress 2/3 approval likely needed. Far-left East Canada, & designed right-leaning West Canada; 2 new Union States within the Leifland Union Region, which also starts with the 50 old-states. Therefore, this Union will have 54 starting states, until Canada-Greenland & North & Central Columbia, break-up into more states, once they’ve settled & stabilized; probably ~30-40 years, going by Japan & South Korea as references. Aleutia, All Your Base Belong To Nunavut, New Asia, ←Not With Them, Saskatchewan’s Butt, North Saskatchewan That Sits Above Saskatchewan’s Butt, Definitely Not With Them→, Truditario, new Trumptario that’s everything Outside of Ottawa-Toronto including-even Sudbury - the cucks who keep voting liberal, New France, Vinland, Forest Lands, Helluland, Taco Burrito Northern México, Nuevo Azteca/Aztlán Nueva, Yucatán, Hot Tamales Federation, Costa Muchachos, and Balboa; amongst other very-truly likely possibilities for future Union States. The countries south of our current border will become a new, southern, Union Region; let the peppers stick together - at-least, until they’ve learned English (then, Mexico, up-to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, may merge into the Leifland region). The southern region, Atullia, starts with North & Central Columbia, two new Union States. Like Canada-Greenland, it will later split into many new states, after it’s passed the full Waves of Formation; a settling-down & stabilizing period; where there will be limitations on the new states, the new Atullia Union Region, new peoples > citizens (English, …, needed to drop limitations & gain no-limitations full Union citizenship), and Atullia’s Union President (make sure no junta~dictator, cartel marionette, etc., exists before they gain top-level Union Presidents’ shared-powers). Going by the historical reference of Japan & South Korea’s growing-pains, how long it took them to stop electing psychos, there should be no cutting of corners;
A re-imagining of a possible future that would make our neighbors thrive; so-that, it’ll be unlikely that many ‘illegals’ will come here from north & south of our current borders, when their own lands are thriving, and they’re also citizens of this future-forward Union. More-likely, will be that many of us will want to move into Atullian states, once we’ve joined-together as the New World (minus ‘South Columbia’, at the start - they’ll likely want to become the 3rd Union Region, with their own Union President, later-on), (re-) united! You’ll be able to drive north & south, no border impediments; from polar bears in the north, to the Gulf of Urabá at our southern edge; our new transoceanic Chocó Canal, southern border, upon its shores. Colombia will be our new friendly neighbor - after we’ve built the
Chocó Canal network; Colombia given an Atrato-San Juan canal, +/- half ownership of the Atrato-Truandó canal, in-exchange for the bit of Chocó departamento lands up-to those rivers (between the current Panama-Colombia border & the Atrato-Truandó rivers), and the San Andrés Islands (off-of Nicaragua, but Colombia owns them, + has claims over banks and shoals nearby), and also built them roads, that the Chocó area desperately needs, & foundations for railways, with the excavation material from building the main Atrato-Truandó canal through the ~20-28miles of hills & mountains on the Pacific side, & helping getting rid of cartels, there-after. It’ll be your choice where you want to live in the Union - no passport needed!
If you’d like to see more, head to the Feedback forum; where I wrote a post about raising the 50k characters limit, and vote?/comment for support ~ but it gave me a message that the post must be reviewed & accepted first, so…