Ads, investors, connections, investment, marketing and research…
The algorithm must be broken for free enterprise to work and ideas to be shared.
Companies should not be able to enhance commercials
Showing their product in seal courses, enhanced studies, and with paid users misleads consumers to what they are actually getting.
Advertising for new drugs and new medical conditions should be prohibited all together.
These companies should be required to share who is investing in them and under what terms. No more back door deals where investing have the power to alter a service or products purpose.
Products for children should have to be marketed towards the parents. Manipulating children with bright colors and patterns for the purpose of selling something should be considered brainwashing.
Companies that claim non profit should have to show their connections so people know where the funds actually go. The connections to those companies show be related to the companies if they are going to manipulate how the company operates. (No more “philanthropist” with zero experience in the execution of services controlling said service)
The research and conclusions of said research must be made fully public, even as it is happening, without redactions.
These companies work so much in secret to gain the upper hand, all it takes is one person or group with plus capital and the public gets no say.
Stop the new age of snake oils