Transition the United States to a Hereditary Constitutional Monarchy under President Donald J. Trump and his descendants

Re-electing Trump now means that no matter how much he achieves in the next four years, in January 2029, he will leave the White House forever. Even if the Republican candidate wins in 2028, President Trump’s successor could either be a good person like JD Vance, or a neocon traitor like Pence or Romney. Sooner or later, the Democrats will win the election again, and maybe even Kamala Harris will have her run as President. Do you want this?

We should rethink whether opting for a republic in 1776 was the right option. Many Founding Fathers wanted a King of America and Washington refused the crown. Would he still refuse it if he knew how America would end up in 2024? Would he still refuse it if he knew how ridiculous and prone to cheating the election has become? Would he still refuse it if he realized that the happiest, most stable and most successful countries nowadays are monarchies?

President Trump’s advisors should start planning for the transition of the United States to a Constitutional Hereditary Monarchy within Trump’s second presidency. The best successor to Donald Trump is Donald Trump Jr., his eldest son.

The constitution would not have to be changed much.

The office of President is renamed “Emperor of the United States”. It is given to President Donald J. Trump for life and made hereditary to his heirs and successors.

The line of succession would be male primogeniture, so that the eldest son inherits the throne when the Emperor dies, resigns or becomes incapable under the 25th amendment. The successor must have American citizenship from birth, must be a practicing Christian, must belong to the Trump family through legitimate birth and descent from Donald J. Trump in the male line, and must not have violated American laws. In addition, marriages of members of the royal family must be approved by the Emperor. Princes who marry without his permission lose all succession rights and titles.

The heir apparent, if he is an adult, acts as the Vice-President. Or, if he is a minor, it is the adult who is highest in the order of succession.

The Emperor retains any powers currently held by the President, and can get additional ones such as granting noble titles and knighthoods to reward exceptional Americans, especially people who were useful for the transition to monarchy. Why shouldn’t somebody like Justice Clarence Thomas, who served justice and helped protect hardworking Americans for many decades, get a hereditary title so his legacy can be remembered by his descendants?

All other parts of the government stay the same, unless we also choose to change them (term limits for Senators).

Creating an American monarchy would put an end to the expensive presidential election. No more dirty campaigns. No more Democrats cheating. No more RNC and DNC. No more incentives for people like Ron DeSantis to betray the President because they want to be President themselves.

As a hereditary monarch, President Trump will be able to:

  • Fulfill all of his campaign promises, Drain the Swamp and dismantle the Deep State
  • Appoint cabinet members based on loyalty and competence and keep out potential traitors
  • Concentrate on long-term goals, knowing that his son will continue where he left off after his death
  • Act without the danger of his actions being reversed or retribution by a treasonous administration in 2029
  • Unite America beyond party lines and become a lasting symbol of American values and of the Constitution
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