Why do people get all focused on “free” and all these other things? In the past, the natural disaster responders lived in their houses which were in the areas afflicted by natural disasters. How do we respond to an earthquake, one week in advance, when we usually have no idea when they start? Look at California after the North Ridge earthquake of like 1994, since about one month after all the bridges were destroyed in that earthquake… They were back.
- There’s always natural disasters. So what? Florida figured it out before the Californians came
Yo, Hurricane Milton is made up. Seriously, using a CIA op and picking a Simpsons character? That ain’t in the naming convention for hurricanes.
What the hell happened to Florida Man waving the flag during a Typhoon?
In Okinawa, twice I drove around the island during them.
Agreed. It’s a psyop designed to get everyone out and then steal their guns. But @RonDeSantis is just as useful an idiot as any other.
They already have those Pigeons (CIA Spy Drones) that recharge by landing on powerlines.
There’s the Cat (alien spy drone) that is lethal and cute.
We seriously have HAARP to stop these things (secret entrance to one base is in Christian AK and accessible via buddies at the local Airport, Hanger 6 or something).
In Okinawa, since they know about “planning” instead of “evacuation planning” and blaming the victim… They just build their houses to withstand the damn things by using concrete instead of wood.
Oh wow, what a concept. It’s also economical AND you can paint the outside of it while also form fitting the shape to something nice.
Just prepare for a hurricane so as to be able to shelter in place and it’s a fucking blast. Was near Wakkanai Hokkaido last year or whenever that typhoon came by. There was an Okinawan in the guest house staff. We calmed everyone down, “secured for hostile environment” even the park benches by flipping them over and rough-checking the aerodynamic profile so they wouldn’t get flipped by the wind, and then everyone was drinking and partying while pissing into the wind and not getting wet.
Okinawa man. I’ve flown through the clouds there, on my second airplane flying lesson. I’ve driven around the island, two different typhoons, when everyone was sheltering in place; amazing seven hours of just Initial D type driving. And the only accident that I ever had was after meeting a special lady for the first time and, upon my return, this Yakuza guy accidentally rear-ended me and pushed me into a crane.
Like, what the hell is the purpose of wasting all this goddamn money on getting people out of the state and possibly putting them into harms way if the storm goes there… when you could just use that money to make Florida better able to withstand a hurricane such that people don’t cause problems for others. And then use a little more money to secure the possible evacuation places such that those people, too, can shelter in place should a hurricane come there after Florida.
Not really goddamn sure why “leadership” needs these big shows of organizational capacity when FEMA is already providing assistance to North Carolina who stayed in their shelters and, albeit it didn’t turn out well for most, at least there’s still people for helping when they get help.
If something happens in Florida while everyone is away, then who is around to help?
Absolute failure of leadership, Hurricane Milton response is.