The Federal government should not be permitted to have its own police

Everywhere Federal agents turn up, they trample the rights of the people and violate the sovereignty of the States. It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about the FBI, the ATF, DHS, or IRS. When they show up, you have no rights.

The Federal Government should not be permitted to have its own police

The highest ranking law enforcement officer is meant to be the ELECTED county Sherrif, and allowing the federal government the power to supercede his authority and jurisdiction, allows the federal government to put its own interests above that of the people.
As a single example, how would enforcement be detrimented if BATFE were abolished:
Alcohol and Tobacco would fall to Dept of Agriculture to regulate and States to enforce
Firearms and Explosives are already pretty tightly regulated by acts of Congress, and the States already enforce
In consideration of this, what need have we to empower and maintain this federal agency? Is more harm being done than good?

How much money to American taxpayers throw away to empower and maintain these agencies, which, at the best of times are functionally redundant, and at the worst, functionally corrupt and repugnant to the Constitution and its established Amendments?