Term limits for Senators and Representatives

This seems like it would still allow a very long political career for exceptional individuals. You could spend 10 years in the house, 10 years in the senate, and 8 years as president.

Additionally, I think a 10-year limit should also be placed on political appointees, regardless of the number of positions (secretaries, Fed chair, etc).

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So, are you talking about “public funding?”

Negative. Your “pot” would be controlled by a committee that both parties would endeavor to manipulate. It would very quickly be corrupted.

We need to be able to fire them and not give them a set time to do damage.


Agreed! It also feels like a 14th Amendment violation.

How much more quickly would term limits be passed with my proposal in place? The biggest outsiders who would oppose term limits are the very entities that would no longer be allowed to contribute to campaigns.

The incentive to stay in congress would be greatly reduced.

Which is why I added the “divided equally” portion. If it’s writen in that the funds be divided equally, there’s no point in trying to manipulate the comity that oversees it.

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I’ll give you a scenario.

Two politicians running a race. The “pot” is divided between the two.
A third decides to run?

Not only should we have term limits, but they should be required to contribute to social security, the same as the rest of us!


This and single line item bills are only surpassed in necessity by balancing our national budget. All three are critical for our nation to survive in the long term.

LOVE this idea! The terms are way too long and you’re right, they do what they want, they’re lazy, they do bad things, and then suddenly they become saints near election time. It’s disgusting!

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I strongly disagree with term limits, and I think most people do, please hear me out.

You don’t want the 4-year mechanic working on your car; you want the 30-year mechanic. There is a presumed expertise in experience. And yes, maybe at 20 years, the experience gets outdated, but maybe not. The bad 30-year mechanic is more dangerous than the bad 4-year mechanic, but neither is good. Policies like these are ones made out of fear, however justified, of our politicians being bad.

Clearly, the issue then is accountability. Part of that accountability is on us, as our votes are what the system relies on for accountability, but there are many factors there. Part of it is because of the system where they have to worry about reelection every few years. Are you a good worker when you need to consider potential career changes? We need to develop a policy that oversees politicians and ensures that good behavior is also properly rewarded. Good systems offer a carrot and a stick. The behavior we see is not new, it is the behavior typically associated with systems that only offer negative reinforcement. Therefore, I think this is the wrong direction to go, and that we need to have deeper more open-ended discussion about potential solutions.

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We need term limits very badly.


Career politicians make up the swamp- especially those who end up alot wealthier after serving-


I believe term limits are absolutely part of the solution


I agree with this 100%. A 78 year old politician has zero investment in the future outside of setting up their family’s future. 10-12 years makes sense to me since it will force them to stand on their own regardless of the party in power.


I believe that this is a must do, albeit very challenging since the Congress will never approve it. I suspect it will take a Constitutional amendment.

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Need to add term limits for Bureaucrats


Absolutely, add in a provision to deal with insider trading and we will cull out those seeking positions only for money.


I believe if they can only serve a max of 4 years, they wouldn’t be able to milk the system. Get in, do good for Americans and then get out. No more career politicians that change laws that help themselves and not We The People.


The rapid pace of technological advancement impacts governance, with aging representation often struggling to keep up.

Bringing in younger and/or more tech-savvy representatives can help the government stay up-to-date.

Outgoing representatives could mentor their successors, maintaining a balance between fresh ideas and experienced guidance.

This approach, I believe, could help the country progress more effectively.