Student Loans- non-forgiveness plan

A lot of talk has been based around student loan forgiveness, which as someone with over 80k in student loans I’ve paid down to around 20k at 30 yrs old, I vehemently disagree with. The real discussion however, should be around collegiate education reform focusing on 3 aspects, length of attendance, year of year tuition change, and loan process.

  1. collegiate education has become lengthened, not long ago a Physician Assistant was a 2 year program, whereas now it is a doctorate degree. There should be limitations on non-essential courses, required curriculum, and a sub-sequential focus on hands on experience. More than 50% of the country now believes trade school is better investment than education.

  2. a policy cap on year over year tuition increases. When I first attended school, tuition was 42.5k a year, whereas my graduating year the tuition cost was over 48k approximately 13% increase across 4 years. There should be a limiting cap on either year of year increases or a re-evaluation every 5 years.

  3. loans are negotiated primarily by schools with interest rates of 10-13%. Privatizing those loans would allow competitive rates, more in alignment with home loans.