Destroying flocks of chickens and turkeys is not going to prevent the transmission of bird flu. Since native birds can, and do, get bird flu, unless ALL native birds are destroyed, as well, bird flu will continue to circulate. Better to let flocks try to develop natural immunity, or develop better ways of isolating flocks.
They always reverse engineer everything and they always take an event or condition, propagate it out into the future, and see how many benificial things that they can adversely affect. These people are sick - not the birds.
When people start realizing that THEY are the target of everything bad done by the Deep State, then everything starts falling into place and making sense. They are not trying to protect humans from bird flu – they are trying to destroy the private protein supply and household stocks which they cannot readily contaminate with spike proteins and prions, and use the excuse for the chicken and turkey culling destruction on trying to help others not contract “the world-destroying, terrible, pandemic, horror-of-horrors Andromida strain H5N1 monster virus that will wipe out the entire universe”
Don’t EVER let a government agency or representitive anywhere near your flocks. They already have it planned to use a fake test with a false positive in order to justify killing your birds. They did the same thing with COVID false positives to push the mRNA spike protein shot on you. Fact is, these globalist scum are full of 5#IT and simply need a rope. That will stop all of the pandemics and fear-mongering in its tracks, while saving millions of birds and humans in the process. The problem is neither with the birds, nor a dumbass flu…the problem is with spoiled brats who are pretending to be Dr. Evil while flicking buggers in everyone else’s dinner plate – real arrested-development pukes that needed spankings 50 years ago but never got one. Now it is time for ‘military spankings’. These pukes will see “the mother of all cullings” very soon – the storm has arrived.
strange that “they” only want to cull chickens, turkeys, and ducks. no pigeons, no seagulls, no sparrows, no crows. no woodpeckers. just the birds we rely on for food