Single Issue Bills for Congress

I wrote a draft proposal for the same thing, we should merge our ideas. This is phenomenal, this could get real momentum. Great work!

Draft Proposal “One Issue, One Bill Act”

Title: One Issue, One Bill Act

Purpose: To ensure transparency, accountability, and focused legislative deliberation by requiring that all bills and resolutions introduced in Congress address only a single issue or subject.

Section 1: Short Title
This Act may be cited as the “One Issue, One Bill Act.”

Section 2: Findings and Purpose:

1.The legislative process is often hampered by the inclusion of unrelated provisions in bills, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability.
2.The practice of “bundling” multiple issues into a single bill prevents legislators from voting in accordance with their constituents’ wishes on each individual issue.
3.A “One Issue, One Bill” approach will promote clarity, reduce the potential for political maneuvering, and restore public trust in the legislative process.

Therefore, it is the purpose of this Act to mandate that all proposed legislation address only one issue or subject, thus allowing members of Congress to vote on each issue based on its own merits.

Section 3: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act:

“Single issue” means a matter or topic that is clearly related to one area of policy or public interest, without unrelated provisions or amendments.

“Legislative riders” refer to additional provisions, often unrelated, attached to a bill to secure passage or block other legislation.

Section 4: Requirements

1.Single-Issue Legislation: All bills, joint resolutions, and concurrent resolutions submitted to Congress shall address only one specific issue or subject.

No bill shall contain unrelated topics or amendments that do not directly pertain to the primary purpose of the bill.

Bills that address multiple aspects of a single overarching issue (e.g., healthcare reform, infrastructure improvements) may be permitted, provided that each section is germane to the primary subject matter.

2.Prohibition on Unrelated Riders:
No appropriations or authorization bill shall include riders unrelated to the primary focus of the legislation.

Any amendment introduced must be germane to the subject of the original bill.

3.Transparency and Accountability:
All bills shall have a clear, concise title that accurately reflects the content of the legislation.
A summary of the bill’s single issue must be provided, and it shall be publicly available at least 72 hours prior to any vote.

Section 5: Enforcement

1.Any bill that violates the provisions of this Act shall be subject to challenge by any member of Congress and may be struck down by a majority vote.
2.The House and Senate Parliamentarians are authorized to review and determine whether a proposed bill complies with this Act prior to it being introduced for debate.

Section 6: Effective Date
This Act shall take effect immediately upon its enactment.

Justifications for the Proposal

By requiring that each bill address only one issue, it becomes easier for the public, media, and legislators themselves to understand the content of the legislation. This transparency fosters greater accountability.

Unrelated riders are often used to secure votes through “pork-barrel” spending that benefits specific districts or interest groups. By prohibiting these riders, the legislation would prioritize merit over political bargaining.

Legislators would be forced to debate and vote on the merits of a single issue, making their positions clear to their constituents. This would also reduce the need for rushed votes on massive omnibus bills.

Public confidence in Congress is often undermined by the perception of backroom deals and political maneuvering. A “One Issue, One Bill” policy would demonstrate a commitment to ethical governance.