Shut down the "Church" of Satan

‘Satan’ is a concept of Abrahamic religions, and so this concept only works for a few religions.

This thread is full of people who think secularism is atheism.

My tea bag bonks your mom in the face as we all gather around the warm and cozy fire of Satanists being burned at the stake! :innocent:

So you’ll cuck your country away to the most cleverest religion to gain power rather than Ammend your constitution?

Kind of like what’s going on right now.

Thank God for our founding fathers who fought so hard for what you will just give away without so much as a protest.

Maybe it will help to say a point from my original post in a different way:

The Church of Satan is fraudulent, as in legally, putting aside the evil etc.

Atheists running a “church” for satire are committing tax fraud if nothing else.

An example of fraud:
My former landlord from years ago, didn’t strike me as exactly a good guy but he likely wasn’t a satanist either which I mention so we can rule out prejudice against the poor oppressed satanists. However, he was pretty open about running a scam church for a tax shelter. He had three houses that backed onto the same area. He rented out rooms in two of the houses to poor people and rented out a big room on the back of the house he lived in for a dance studio and somehow got this classified as a church specifically to get tax write offs.

That is a scam. It’s not legal. It’s not a church. Anyone knows that’s not a church and not at all what anyone intended to be covered by the laws put forth to protect places of worship.

Same with the church of Satan- It’s NOT an argument of freedom of religion because the people involved aren’t practicing a religion according to their own statements.

Can’t have it both ways. If there’s no worship going on you can’t expect your freedom of worship to be protected.

Otherwise, people could go exploit the same thing for tax exemptions for their grocery store or whatever. Anything.

What? Freedom of religion is a fundamental, constitutional right

Until it isn’t.

And then it never was.

Silly Cucks.

The tiny hats have made you livestock.

Guided by and repeating catchphrases like parrots with turrets.