Rethiinking the 2A background check matrix

The right to bear arms is part of the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic. So much so that free speech, religion, press, assembly and the right to petition our government are the only things the Founding Fathers decided were more important. I don’t think anyone would question the need to keep arms out of the hands of people who have a history of violence but not all criminal records are the same. A blanket determination that anyone ever convicted of a crime should no longer have the right to defend themself, or protect themself from an overreaching government, spits in the face of the 2nd amendment. I remind everyone that every one of our Founding Fathers was a criminal themself in the eye’s of the ruling party at the time. If their government had removed the guns from society maybe there would never have been an American Revolution. We need a rethinking of the firearm restrictions in this country.