Restructure Federal Law Enforcement to Enhance School Safety

I would delegate drugs and runaways and others to local law enforcement.

I would like for the FSSB to be an active deterrent for immediate violent threats.

Not to say they couldn’t assist local law enforcement with other tasks, so long as the core of their performance and duties is centered and always prioritized as a QRF/SRT role.

I go a bit more in depth on how I would structure it here:

I tried to reach out to figures like LTC Dave Grossman and scheduled sit down meetings with my local representative here in Colorado but it seems like for this pilot program to be taken serious, it may need to be deployed and tested in private institutions first.

Which is absolutely ridiculous because I’ve worked in Physical Security in Top Secret DoD/Nuclear sites and the logistics and procedures and their success is extremely evident.

From my conversations with my representative, sadly it seems that the hold up with these programs is entirely political. Even though my proposal offers covert/overt options. (A democrat state or city can choose to go covert with their agents if they desire) But according to him, there’s no “putting guns in schools” as a solution. Which is extremely infuriating.

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