There are so many abandoned buildings in inner cities where homelessness is rampant. I believe we should revamp those buildings (preferably with the help of private businesses so it’s done quickly and correctly) and use them as no just your typical homeless shelter, but almost like a “halfway house “. If it’s a multistory building the first floor would be used for spaces such as; cafeteria, therapy, doctors office and other things to help the homeless get back on their feet. The remaining floors or spaces would be used to house the people.
This would be beneficial in multiple ways: 1. Clean up the cities by revitalizing abandoned buildings 2. Help get homeless off the street and put them in a safe space to get clean and get the help to get back on their feet and get a job. 3. Create jobs for those working in the centers.
Homeless veterans would get priority assistance because everyone in America owes them a debt.
It’s time to start tackling the growing homeless crisis and instead of shelters that may not offer the same kind of help, these centers will act as a temporary sanctuary for those looking to get help to get back on their feet like so many of our homeless veterans.