Current social security costs approx. $1.4 trillion a year. Replace that program with 7K program, that invests $7000 for every child born in USA.
Average 3.7 million children born in US per year
=$26 billion cost. 1.7% of current social security cost. 98.3% cost savings of current costs.
Account cannot be accessed until person reaches retirement age of 65.
Account invested into Index fund. Average Index Fund annual return is 10.26%.
After 65 years, each account will accrue around $4 million. Government taxes 25%, dividing account for $1 million for goverment services, and $3 million for each retiree.
3.7 million accounts per year(birthrate average) creates annual revenue for government of $3.7 TRILLION per year, minus $26 billion for program expense.
If person dies before 65, government keeps the $7000 + interest accrued, minus any funeral expenses, to prevent families from be8ng burdened by final expenses.
I heard this idea on tiktok from account Older Millenial. Added the final expense aspect.
The account would be established when you were born. It is not dependent upon any input from you. You’re only requirement is to be a United States Citizen, and survive to the age of 65. Its not like social security, where you put in. Its accumulated through interest over the span of your life. So yes, even being disabled, you would accumulate the 3 million to live your days out. I also just had the idea, that in your case, you would have to survive off disability until retirement age, so instead of an index fund, perhaps we could use a UIL insurance fund, thereby giving you a means to borrow against your benefit in case you decided you had a business idea you wanted to invest in.
Absolutely no government dipping until the person reaches 65 years of age. The government invests $7k, from revenue, and reaps $1million. Thats a pretty good deal if you ask me. And as they should, insure their people are taken care of during end of life.
I havent studied nesara gesara, so i cannot speak on that. What it sounds like you sre refering to is the cestui que truat account. If that is legit then it is hidden from each and every one of us. This would not. And those are purported to be valued in the hundred of millions in value. So i dont know. But this should be the new PUBLIC policy where everyone knows this will be their privilage. So that no one will be hoodwinked.
Didn’t Bush propose a similar idea to this with social security? It would have really solved the entire social security is going to go bankrupt problem and actually tripled their retirement payments, but the common working man didn’t really understand how index funds and the investing world worked at that time. It scared them that if the stock market tanked they would lose their social security completely. With today’s world people could be educated easier and faster and this could actually be something that Amercian people would be willing to make a change for. I think this is an idea worth really exploring and getting the numbers and details on paper for people to look at more.
Im not sure if he did or not. But you’re right. But if we could maybe put it in a IUL, or even a government backed CD. Anything that wouod provide a stable ROI so that it would grow steadily over the 65 years. Either way, a universal guaranteed retirement fund. The current system keeps people in a state of poverty. And it is riduculous. We are talking about overhauling the system. Well the social security system is a fraud and leaves people incapacitated. And as someone who resents having to pay to live in world we all were born into, i believe we can do better if we are intent on keeping our monopoky money system as a thing.
Like the $3M for each retiree. Or all SS accounts need to be increased by $4K month ASAP please! Am 74 and NOT getting by on SS $1300 month … so limping along barely from friends and family … but never know when they cannot assist … so could be on the street anytime. Have paid into this system my whole life and for what?!? Was never for Ukraine war as knew what that was really about … billions spent to hide truth of Biden Sr involvement, how Ukraine has been used by the Zionists as a MAJOR trafficking & money laundering global hub … and to create a war with Russia. NATO must GO! The Lahaina massacre was essentially no different than all of them historically up to Palestine … endless wars over land grabs for economical & power bases. The Blob want to kick us out of the Hawaiian Islands and install Smart tech everywhere so all the few oligarchs can live and or vacay here! They own most of the islands already … and ready to install marxism or whatever here for us useless deplorable eaters. Am TOTALLY over it ALL … and pray that Trump truly understands as much as possible this time around … like America was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic that was hijacked before signatures ink was dry. Would like to have FULL access to my TDA Strawman Account … FREE of all restrictions and taxes please! Does Trump even know about this account??? In any case, sending Trump & Team my heartfelt blessings of great success with such an insane mess domestically & globally. Oh and could he please make an official announcement the truth of the Hawaiian Kingdom … that it still stands as a sovereign nation … please??? Remove all CIA inserted thugs operating what does NOT belong to them. And then The Kingdom of Hawai’i can work PEACEFULLY with and along side the Republic of America … with Queen Liliu’oklani’s Divine Vision for her people.
If that’s not possible, 100% free medical care, no fussing with plans. And a housing stipend and grocery coupons that are non transferable. It important the help can’t be stolen. Giving everyone 3,000,000 is fraught with possible complications. Gamblers, gullible people to name a few. Even scarier, relatives people are murdered for less, or they will just bully them to sign it over.
First off, if a retiree dies, the money reverts back to the program. And since everyone is getting it, then i would like to believe no one would be trying to knock their elders off for it. Its important we dont muddle issues. I believe once the corruption is lifted from the medical industry by RFK jr, costs will dramatically decrease. The real issue is how to divvy up allottments fornthose of us already alive. If we institutrd this next year. The first gen recipients wouldnt get it until 2090. So yeah, some work needs to be done about what we can do for everyone already here.
How about removing all non citizens from Social Security? ALL asylum seekers and refugees are eligible for Social Security.
Social Security was originally intended for workers - when they became older or were disabled they would have an income. Think about it, only workers pay the SS tax! Why should anyone who has not paid into Social Security be eligible to benefit from the program?
Social Security has become nothing more than a “basic income” program! Don’t believe it? Go to the Social Security website and perform a search for “non citizens”. There is no end to the ways non citizens have been given access to Social Security.
If it is so imperative that non citizens receive SS then why isn’t the congressional pension fund open to non citizens? How about the federal worker’s pension plan?
With chain migration (visas) elderly relatives can be brought to the US and be eligible for SS and Medicare - without ever working or paying taxes in the US. My mother is a legal immigrant to this country, she married an American soldier. He and his family had to ensure that she would not be a burden on the US. When our elected leaders talk about non citizens on welfare they NEVER discuss how many are on SS and Medicare.
The American people should be given a full accounting of how many non citizens are receiving SS and Medicare. (Think about how many Biden’s brought in and all of the so called “unaccompanied minors”)
**Remove all non citizens from SS and Medicare. If they cannot be returned to their country of origin their upkeep should be deducted from the foreign aid their country of origin receives.
Also, there should be a fund created for disabled children who currently receive SS and Medicare. YES, their families should receive help with their care / upkeep, but it should not come from SS. (remember it is the worker’s fund) Also, currently I know of two families where the parents have divorced in order to receive the financial help that they need - that should never be allowed to happen. Again, create a separate fund for disabled children.
Finally, why are the American taxpayers responsible for the income of any non citizen? (where is our freedom) Why are the problems of non citizens always laid at the feet of American citizens? Why are these problems always resolved with American taxpayer money?