There are many people required to register as sex offenders who have non sex crimes and / or have served their time. I believe that once these individuals have done thier time that they should not continue to be punished. There are young teenagers that have to register for 15 yrs and / or life for one mistake. That is outrageous. Every case should be reviewed, and only the offenders that have a history or reoffending should be punished. Also, the registry should NOT be available for everyone. How can a person hold a job if the employer can judge them based on thier past. Again, this does not include horrific crimes against kids or rape or any high crimes, but for those who may have made a bad decision and were punished already . For example, I know someone who is an adult and has been on the registry for over a decade because he made a mistake at the age of 13 and snapped a girls bra in school. Seriously, these are not, in my opinion, crimes that need to be punished with the sex registry. Also, these people have to pay fees to register every year, yet they have already done their time, and most of them have been to prison for their decisions.
The registry destroys so many people. Take it off the public internet. This is so very sad.
When young people, teenagers are being put on the registry for doing what is often normal human biological behavior the government needs to reassess this. . While this is a nonviolent crime, the punishment is a life sentence on the sex offender registry. This is some thing they can never get away from. . The laws have not caught up with young people and the technology that is now in their hands. Going forward we should adjust the punishment to be in accordance with the crime committed. Many of these were young kids fooling around as many of us have done.Making a mistake as young man or women wen 18 years old , it seems draconian, putting these young men and women on the registry, it forever changes them and their families lives. Often times, they must move away from their families that love and support them due to residency restrictions. They cannot find work, due to label. Depression can be debilitating, with having your name in a public place, it puts them in danger With hope, freedom, an opportunity that American citizens enjoy. The sex offender registry has no allowance for that. That is shameful and shunning , that is society at its worst. Why would a society commit their young people, their sons and daughters, who are 18 and 19 years old who did not commit a violent crime. They should be allowed to deal with the consequences and then move forward with their life . Something must be done. America offers, freedom, opportunity, the ability to make your dreams come true. If you are hard worker, anything is possible! Please consider changing or amending this law when young people are involved. There is a Romeo and Juliet clause In the state of Florida, this clause states that there can be four years of age difference. If they are more than one day over four years , are than fully charged. I know someone who is charged for counts of Lewd and Lacivious behavior on a child 12 through 16 and was charged 15 years each count. He was 18 , there was no force , but they were under the age of consent. Kids doing dumb things. This is part of growing up and prosecuting things of this nature sees to be a waste of resources. There is much trauma to everyone involved, including the victim., siblings, family, all who surround the situation . This is unacceptable. This is my request to the Trump administration. I would love to speak to Mr. Trump Will be reaching out to him and his wife.
You said this perfectly. Definitely needs to be revisited.