Remove Interest from Student Loans

Student loans are generally predatory, and while the responsibility does lay with the borrowers, nobody should be repaying 2 or more times the principal loan amount.

Consider the loan repaid once the principal is returned, or lower the interest to such low levels that it makes repayment a viable options instead of what it currently is.

Furthermore, anyone who has “paid off” their loans at multiples of the principal should receive the overpayment as a tax credit.

Lastly, they should not be allowed to continue to burden individuals who declare bankruptcy. While this policy may create a way to “game” the system, I feel confident that there are ways to overcome it. Perhaps individuals should not be allowed to lose the loan history if they declare bankruptcy within five (or x amount of) years, but there should come a point where a person having to declare bankruptcy, with the possibility of losing housing, transportation, and more, should also be able to lose their obligations to student loans.


And/or remove the cap on interst loan deduction for taxes if IRS isn’t abolished.
Having a cap on the interest to be able to deduct is punishing people for being responsible in oaying back their debt.

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Also, If you have currently paid more in total payments than the original amount of disbursement plus a standardized processing fee. Your loan is considered paid off. The government should not make money off of education.