Release Patents that will advance American Tech, create jobs, or enhance life

Many patents are held solely for companies to eliminate competetion in the marketplace, and some are held for government, but if this technology will further our progress or help in the human condition they should be used to do so. If a company simply buys a patent to keep it from competing with their product they must produce the product with in “X” months to purchase, the inventor of the item should be the sole owner of this idea if it is not in production. We need progress in many fields… farming, machinery and equipment, energy, tech , someone has to release it, so competetion can effect change.

Yes!! Did you know that we can run vehicles on water!! Its a thing. But the government keeps silencing the people that have figured out how to do it. They have bought the patents from people and then never produced anything. If we can figure out a clean way to run our vehicles that would cut back on the polution why shouldnt we be allowed to do it.

Patents have a limited lifespan regardless, they expire after 20 years.

I’ve heard this claim before, but never seen real evidence that the technology is actually viable.

Also, on brief examination, the patents for this technology has been around for well over the general patent lifespan, so there is nothing any company can do to prevent people from developing their own water-powered cars if they are indeed a viable technology.

20 years is not long enough when you spend all your time fighting the knock-offs. The infringing companies consider the last 5 yrs FREE. They can buy your product, with all of the R&D of many YEARS; copy & sell. We need more years to recoup our investments & sacrifice