Return, Re Use, Reinstate, The Option and Availability of Analog Electric Service Meters Nation Wide to customers regardless of utility service providers politics.
What’s this mean?
@Marcosrodriguez I’m not certain but I think FT is referring to the smart meters that have been installed at peoples homes. I believe analog would refer to the old meters where the meter reader would come see how much electricity you’ve used.
I don’t know a lot about it but since those meters have been installed there have been many concerns about them. I can’t remember exactly at the moment, but though they are more convenient, they’ve seemed a bad thing from the start.
It would be good to have the option to not use them.
Ok. I miss the 20th century, but that ain’t coming back, either.
There’s been a LOT of complaints about the digital meters, not the least of which is lithium batteries onboard the units The purpose of having a battery onboard is for power outages, to store the usage data and pick back up where it left off during the outage. Analogs don’t need a battery. They don’t lose the consumption data. Lithium is highly volatile and cannot be extinguished when there’s a fire. Newer laptops and PC motherboards have them as well, as it keeps the settings in CMOS of the BIOS’ chip.
Issue #2 is the amount of EMF and microwave radiation in all the wireless devices, both in and outside of the home. The federal government studied these things in 1971, and the absolutely know the risks and dangers involved, and the impacts on health. BEST thing people can do to mitigate the indoor issues, are to go back to umbilical connectivity, which is frankly faster and doesn’t have the signal dropout issues that wireless has. Get an EMF detector and walk your home, and you may be shocked at what your cell phones and other devices are emitting. Lastly, just like the toll workers they fired and replaced with E-Z Pass, tolls have skyrocketed, and electricity KW/h rates have skyrocketed doing away with meter reader jobs. Everything is backwards and upside down in this country.
I live in Michigan , we do have the option to op out of the smart meter , you have to call your power company and request the old style meter . They will charge you a 1 time fee & few dollars each month for reader to come to your home reach month. My bill has dropped in half since doing this.
Smart meters are a fire hazard, health hazard and privacy issue. We fought Ameren and Spire as long as we could until Ameren threatened to turn our power off. In order to opt out you must pay $100 one time non refundable fee and additional $40 a month for electric and $100 one time non refundable fee and additional $30 a month for gas. It is cost prohibitive. We opted to put on faraday cages which lessened radiation exposure per our EMF detector. The only problem is if your neighbor has a smart meter pointing at your house, you’re still exposed to radiation coming through your home and it is harmful for animals, insects and the environment. Energy costs keep getting larger. The analog meters could last for 20 years. Our gas meters didn’t last six months and had to be replaced already. I agree we should not be held hostage by electric and gas companies. Smart meters need to go.
I’m in upstate New York, the man came around last week to try and install my meter. I had a discussion with him and he agreed that he wouldn’t do it today but that I needed to call and get an appointment in the future. There will be a $30 minimum charge each month for me to maintain the old style, this is not an acceptable option!
Also, if a homeowner chooses to have an analog service meter, they should be able to do so WITHOUT having to pay a monthly charge.
Agree. People who opt out should not be charged a monthly fee. I never paid to have someone come out to read my meter before so why should I start paying now? I’m currently paying a $15/month opt out fee which is 50% of my electric bill. And our legislators want to up that to $100/month! They want to smartify every utility so if I opt out of electric, gas and water, I could be paying $300/month just to avoid EMF exposure and DE in my own home! Stop the madness already!