Reimagining Prop 187

This is California’s 1994 proposition that would’ve got a handle on illegal immigration. The voters will was overturned by a judge. I added some modern day editions and removed the part which denied healthcare to illegals, that’s not right, Christian. I recently added the FEMA section, and due to rapid processing of legal migration section 19.

Proposition 187 included the following key elements:

  1. All law enforcement agents who suspect that a person who has been arrested is in violation of immigration laws must investigate the detainee’s immigration status, and if they find evidence of illegality they must report it to the attorney general of California, and to the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). They must also notify the detainee of his or her apparent status as an alien.
  2. Local governments are prohibited from preventing or limiting the fulfillment of this requirement.
  3. If government agents suspect anyone applying for benefits of being illegal immigrants, the agents must report their suspicions in writing to the appropriate enforcement authorities.
  4. People shall not receive any public social services until verified as a United States citizen or as a lawfully admitted alien.
  5. A public elementary or secondary school shall not admit or permit the attendance of any child until verified as a United States citizen or as a lawfully admitted alien.
  6. By 2026, each school district shall verify the legal status of each child enrolled within the district and the legal status of each parent or guardian of each child.
  7. A child who is in violation of the requirements above shall not continue to attend the school 90 days from the date of notice to the attorney general and INS.
  8. The attorney general must keep records on all such cases and make them available to any other government entity that wishes to inspect them.
  9. The manufacture, distribution, sale, or use of false citizenship or residency documents is a state felony punishable by imprisonment or fine.
  10. Mandatory Migrant Registration. Illegal aliens must register at their local government facilities included but not limited to Social Services Departments, DMV’s, Postal Offices, state property and parks, police stations, State Trooper Office, State Fire Depts, EDD Office, Medi-Cal office and State and city Colleges, state and city hospitals etc.
  11. All officials with location details of illegal alien locations/ whereabouts MUST report them to the appropriate enforcement agencies.
  12. Social services, DMV, local schools must submit ALL documentation of all non citizens.
  13. Utilize the Biden/Harris app to locate illegals for detention pending repatriation.
  14. Use government issued cellphones to illegals to locate them for safe repatriation.
  15. Set-up partnership countries to accept illegal aliens i.e. Canada, Germany, UK, Mexico, Sweden, etc.!
  16. Churches and faith based organizations can provide food to illegals without prosecution, and these organizations can apply for a federal grant to subsidize their food pantries, clothing distribution, and basic need items provided to the public.
  17. Federal and state partnerships allowing States to build blockades, walls, deterrents, and stoppage, at open gaps of the border in emergency need to seal situations
  18. FEMA funding to be allocated for Americans only, in special cases money can be allocated to permanent resident after American citizens have been serviced fully, illegal aliens cannot receive FEMA relief.
  19. All legal immigration seekers from nations with overwhelming numbers of illegal migrants who criminally crossed our border will be halted until deportation brings the numbers to a manageable level.
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