Reforming Restrictions on Pain Management and Ending the Harmful Stigma Against Pain Patients

**yep, my doctors did it too… been on fentanyl patches since 1999 without one issue or problem or “overdose” gggrrrrrrr. these DEA AND ‘LEGAL’ assholes are ruining our lives and mental stability by messing with what me and my very educated specialist of my pain are telling me. if these drug addict thugs want to take illegal fentanyl and they die, well that is their fault. the fentanyl I have always use to survive is not what these idiots are using. so, punish the legitimate pain patient who does multiple piss tests and signs contracts with their prescribers… un-freaking-believable…if they saw my multiple MRI and CAT scans and multiple bank boxes full of my medical records, they would not doubt what I have always used has worked. my physician told me that despite everything right I have done, they are still cutting my dosage to 25 mcg… that is half of my stabilizing dosage of 50mcg. I have been on up to 100mcg for many years before and no side effects and I didn’t go crazy, harassing ER hospitals for more drugs. these people are absolutely EVIL to the core… **


We definitely need these reforms!!!


The faxed prescription makes it virtually impossible for a doctor to divert. The script goes to the drug store and nowhere else.

Suffering from severe chronic pain is lonely and your own private hell. Adding insult to literal injury is the government’s near prohibition tactics to prevent access to what for some of us is the only medication that enables us to exist. Now people in palliative care are being denied relief. And pharmacies are refusing to accept pain patients. And people coming out of surgery are being given Advil. This has to stop. There are plenty of ways to provide checks and balances without denying people who are suffering from unspeakable misery access to life saving medication. Thank you for doing something to help us since we have no advocates in this fight.

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Thank you, Claudia!

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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#2774 Vote.
I will add a few experiences of this unbelievable journey at a later time.

Just over the past 38 months, dealing with gaslighting, delays weeks on end, lost paperwork,
The biggest run around, non-responsive, calls & emails, unreturned, changed phone numbers changed, received texted contact number 901-999-9999, informed a newly hired Ins Rep. hired, I must wait until six week training was completed completed , afterwards assigned an existing Rep, six month delay awaiting an email query sent ent for a reply from parent company. Known surgery is necessary the past 38 months, tested numerous times still indicated surgery.

Hopefully, will have an opportunity to have corrective surgery soon. A component revision was moved despite reminding the surgeon importance of location. Was Placed under a boney structure. Propbably due to an act of poor skills or to inflict harm. There’s no other possible reason as when a mandated FDA CFR Manuel cautions near a boney structure can possibly cause death, at least obvious discomfort.

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My state should not be able to tell me I can only have X amount of pain medication per day because the DEA puts illegal and harmful restrictions on the usage of the medicine. I have complex regional pain syndrome, the most painful disease in the world with no cure. The only medicine that even comes close to helping a portion of my pain is opiates, but the doctors can only give me low doses because of DEA rules that prevent me getting the healthcare I need to live a fulfilling life. Being treated as a drug seeker or an addict or being forced to get drug tested, and refills being mandatory in person every 30 days really hurts those with disabilities. Medicines should be allowed to be prescribed in higher amounts and in longer durations than 30 day supplies each month, forcing those with disabilities to pay for 12 doctor appointments per year instead of 3 or 4.

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