Ide propose the government assistance programs actually be used correctly. Not trying to be hated but being true and honest the system was designed for the working class when they fell onto hard times and once back on their feet get off of it and not depend on it any longer but also take into consideration that everything went up in price since Biden took office so everything from food, medicine, gas, electricity and basic living expenses make it impossible so lowering prices back to reasonable levels would be amazing. But who knows what will happen anymore all I know is that I have to work a full time job working maybe 50-60 hours a week plus a side hustle same days I work my full time and not get home until 11pm to 12am and be up at 5am every morning to get back to my main job to provide for my family that I can’t spend time with
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Respectfully, I recommend focusing on one thing and post about that. You have four different ideas partially spoken on; a proposal (what is it?), government assistance programs (how aren’t they being used correctly?), prices of goods, and lack of free time due to low wages.