We have multi-state lottery games and we know exactly what stores a scratch off ticket sets in… we know immediately the number of tickets printed on the machine… we know within a few hours where the winning ticket was printed (and… that store CAN tell you down to the minute when it was bought, from which terminal… and even which clerk sold it)… and we can’t count ballots in a day?
Voting should be conducted through ballot’s that are bar-coded to an individual registered voter. Votes would then be counted along with the scanned bar code. Technology hasn’t kept up with even our lotteries and it is unacceptable. Someone smarter than me should come up with a safe, secure voting procedure that is as safe and secure as our lotteries are.
That is a good idea. Another idea I have thought of is we could use blockchain technology to vote. Blockchain gives you a unique wallet address protected by a private key that only you know. Blockchain is immutable and trustless making it the perfect platform for voting. The only problem is that some blockchain technologies can be hacked or forked and supercomputing would lead to a future vulnerability. But if we keep thinking we can come up with something. I mean, putting a postcard in the mail like we do now and hoping it will be counted in time is just way too low tech it’s 2024. We can do better.
Thanks. After working at a store selling lottery tickets for awhile, the security for the tickets not only scratch off’s but printables is 4X’s that of our elections. Would it be possible to tie your blockchain idea to social security numbers. Every child who is claimed on an IRS 1040 needs a social security # so it’s not like most voters don’t have one… Giving that unique wallet address at the same time as a SS# would also disable it upon death I’m assuming?