Policy Imperatives for Health Freedom

This is a well-written policy suggestion, but I have some concerns and a suggestion.

It’s unclear what a ‘medical mandate’ is. Presumably it’s more than Biden et al demanding Americans submit to ‘the jab.’

The rest of your suggestions to restrict federal power seem reasonable, but I wonder why stop there? Every law and abuse of power you mentioned are constitutionally illegitimate. By which I mean, We the People did not grant any of those powers to the federal government when we ratified the Constitution. Article 1 Section 8 gives the very short list of enumerated powers. Everything else is consigned to the States and the people under the 10th Amendment.

All elected officials and bureaucrats take oaths of office promising to ‘support and defend’ the Constitution, and practically all of them lie when taking the oath. ~90% of the federal government has missions outside of the enumerated powers, including all of the ones you mentioned.

A pro-America president could cite his oath of office and Art. 1 Sec. 8, and issue an Executive Order on Inauguration Day shutting down all programs whose mission isn’t tied directly to an enumerated power. Put a constitutional wrecking ball through the entire Deep State! Congress would have no legitimate power to stop it, and they would have to explain why they put unconstitutional things in place and continue to fund them, despite having promised to ‘support and defend’ the Constitution.

Not only would you immediately get everything you want under such a leader, many of the other policies suggested on this site would be accomplished in one fell swoop. Unenumerated powers would devolve to the States and to the people.

I flesh out how that might happen in my policy proposal: Constitutional Legitimacy Test for Federal Employees

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